Two people doing water quality sampling in wetlands

What farmers need to know and do: wetlands

What's happening

In January 2023 the definition of an inland wetland and of pasture species making up wetlands were updated to make them clearer.

Why it's needed

Wetlands provide ecosystem buffers and are an essential habitat for a range of endemic flora and fauna and fish species. 

What you may need to do

If you have existing wetland areas on your farm or areas that may now be classified as wetlands this may affect what you can do.

To find out:

For more on environmental matters that affect farming communities see the Rural hub

Policies and regulations: wetlands

Wetlands regulations restrict damaging activities in and near natural wetlands. They are designed to prevent further loss of New Zealand’s valuable natural wetlands.

The following regulations have provisions that apply to wetlands.

National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020

The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 includes policies to avoid the reduction of natural inland wetlands, protect their values and promote their restoration.

National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020

The National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020 has regulations that place restrictions on damaging activities in and near natural wetlands. 

Reports and guidance: wetlands

Webinars on using the wetland delineation tools

Topic Recording Presentation
Vegetation tool and pasture exclusion methodology Watch the recording View presentation [2.5MB]
Hydric soil tool Watch the recording View presentation [13MB]
Hydrology tool Watch the recording View presentation [2.5MB]

Factsheet: wetlands

Webinar: raising the bar on ecosystem health in wetlands

Includes overview of the new regulations related to wetlands.

Supporting information: