Integrated Development Plan for Te Arai South Precinct and Regional Park
Application FTA327 - Integrated Development Plan for Te Arai South Precinct and Regional Park
Application FTA327 - Integrated Development Plan for Te Arai South Precinct and Regional Park
Some parts of this proactive information release have been withheld in line with the purpose and principles of the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
The reasons for withholding the information and the relevant sections of the Act that would apply had the information been requested are identified below.
Where information has been withheld in accordance with section 9 of the Act, there are no countervailing considerations which render it desirable, in the public interest, to make that information available.
What is being withheld |
Clause |
Clause detail |
Advice or comments between Officials |
9(2)(g)(i) |
To maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown or members of an organisation or officers and employees of any public service agency or organisation in the course of their duty |
Applications still being considered |
9(2)(f)(iv) |
To maintain the constitutional conventions for the time being which protect the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials |
Comments between Ministers |
9(2)(f)(ii) |
To maintain the constitutional conventions for the time being which protect collective and individual ministerial responsibility |
9(2)(g)(i) |
To maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown or members of an organisation or officers and employees of any public service agency or organisation in the course of their duty |
Crown conducting negotiations - without prejudice |
9(2)(j) |
To enable a Minister of the Crown or any public service agency or organisation holding the information to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including (commercial and industrial negotiations) |
Financial and commercially sensitive information |
9(2)(b)(ii) |
To protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information |
Information provided in confidence |
9(2)(ba)(i) |
To protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information, or information from the same source, and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied |
Legal advice or comment |
9(2)(h) |
To maintain legal professional privilege |
Natural person information |
9(2)(a) |
To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons |
Withdrawn applications |
9(2)(b)(ii) |
To protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information |
9(2)(k) |
To prevent disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage |
Application [PDF, 44.4 KB]
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