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Climate implications of policy assessment guide

This guide supports agencies to meet the Climate Implications of Policy Assessment (CIPA) requirement, details of which can be found in section 1.2.

This guide supports agencies to meet the Climate Implications of Policy Assessment (CIPA) requirement, details of which can be found in section 1.2.

This guide provides information on:
•         understanding the CIPA process
•         carrying out greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) analysis
•         using the CIPA Excel tool that helps quantify the emissions impacts of your policy 
•         answers to common questions.

Tools and forms

CIPA Excel tool [excel, 291 KB]
The Excel spreadsheet is a simple calculator to help agencies estimate the emission impacts from their policies. You need to input the activity data from your policy and the tool will apply the correct emissions factor to give you an estimate of emissions in tonnes.  

CIPA early engagement form [word, 19 KB]
Agencies should complete the early engagement form for all proposals where there is a potential emissions impact (direct or indirect and regardless of scale), or where there is an unknown or uncertain impact on emissions. The early engagement form helps identify if your policy is likely to be subject to the requirement by determining where your policy may have greenhouse gas emission impacts in one or more the sectors identified by the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory. This form should be sent to the Ministry for the Environment at cipa@mfe.govt.nz.  

CIPA disclosure sheet [word, 18 KB]
Once agencies have engaged with the Ministry for the Environment and determined that the CIPA requirement applies, the completed CIPA disclosure sheet should be attached to the relevant Cabinet paper for discussion at Cabinet. 

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