Two people standing in a river with hills and tress in the background

What farmers need to know and do: wetlands

What’s happening

From 2020 regulations apply to:

  • reclaiming and maintaining rivers
  • new culverts and weirs
  • new instream structures

There are also sphagnum moss harvesting conditions. Sustainable sphagnum moss harvesting is permitted under certain conditions.

The regulations do not apply to existing structures prior to September 2020 or customary weirs.

Why the regulations are needed

The regulations are to prevent the loss of river extent, water quality and wetlands, and limit river reclamation. 

What you may need to do

If you:

  • have rivers, streams or wetlands on your property find out what you are required to do under the regulations.
  • are doing any work on a river or stream, find out what is needed to ensure fish passage is not impeded. For more information see the Fish passage webpage.
  • are planning new structures that could block or impede fish passage you are required to consult your regional council.

For more on environmental matters that affect farming communities see the Rural hub

Policies and regulations: rivers and streams

The following polcies and regulations include provisions to help restore and protect the health of rivers and streams:

Factsheet: rivers and streams

Reports and guidance: rivers and streams

Webinar: raising the bar on ecosystem health – wetlands, rivers and fish

Includes an overview of the new regulations related to rivers.

Supporting information: