Government waste work programme

What we are doing to reduce waste across Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Reducing waste will help with our transition from a linear economy with its take, make, dispose approach to a low-emissions circular economy.

Reducing waste helps with the transition to a low-emissions circular economy

A low-emissions circular economy involves:

  • keeping resources in use for as long as possible
  • extracting the maximum value from them while in use
  • then recovering and regenerating them. 
Describes the processes of the linear economy and the circular economy. Infographic.
A linear economy has a take, make, dispose approach with energy from finite sources. A circular economy has a make, use, return cycle with energy from renewable sources.
Describes the processes of the linear economy and the circular economy. Infographic.
A linear economy has a take, make, dispose approach with energy from finite sources. A circular economy has a make, use, return cycle with energy from renewable sources.

Waste work programme

To reduce the amount of waste Aotearoa New Zealand produces, we are:

  • setting the direction for waste reduction
  • increasing investment in waste reduction initiatives and infrastructure
  • making system-level change 
  • addressing problems with individual products and materials 
  • strengthening compliance, monitoring and enforcement.

Setting the direction for waste reduction

Waste strategy

Our waste strategy set Aotearoa New Zealand's direction on waste for the next three decades.

Find out more about the strategy

Building the foundations for a transformed waste system

The strategy is part of Objective 1: Building the foundations for a transformed waste system in our Waste reduction work programme.

We have also released Aotearoa New Zealand's first Emissions Reduction Plan. 

The plan includes: 

  • actions for reducing emissions from the waste sector (with a focus on organic waste) 
  • policies to reduce emissions from hydrofluorocarbons. 

Find out more about the Emissions reduction plan 

Increasing investment in waste reduction initiatives and infrastructure

What we are focused on

  • Bringing about transformational change
  • Bringing our resource recovery systems up to global standards
  • Reducing emissions from waste.

Priority areas for investment

  • Research and development 

  • Innovation

  • Community projects

  • Infrastructure

  • Public information

  • Te ao Māori initiatives

  • Remediating contaminated sites.

Areas we are currently investing in 

Reuse, recovery and recycling of materials

We are supporting projects that increase the reuse, recovery and recycling of materials through Te Pūtea Whakamauru Para - the Waste Minimisation Fund.

The fund invests in a wide-range of projects from multi-million-dollar infrastructure investments to smaller hapū/community-centred projects.

See more on the Waste Minimisation Fund

Resource recovery infrastructure

Over the next two years, we are funding a range of resource recovery infrastructure projects through the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund.

See more on the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund

Ways to reduce plastic waste 

We are investing $50 million over four years in projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable through the Plastics Innovation Fund. The fund opened for expressions of interest for its second funding round on 1 November 2022. The focus of this funding round is reducing soft plastic waste.

See more on the Plastics Innovation Fund

National food waste reduction programmes

We are looking to invest up to $8.3 million in behaviour change programmes that reduce food waste.

The programmes will aim to reduce food waste in three settings: households; Māori-led settings (such as marae, kōhango reo, kura kaupapa, papakāinga); and businesses.

We sought expressions of interest in funding from organisations from 14 November to 4 December 2022.

Find out more about the funding and types of programmes we want to invest in

Remediation of contaminated sites

We fund regional councils and unitary authorities to remediate contaminated sites on behalf of landowners. Landowners seek financial assistance from them. 

See more on the Contaminated Sites and Vulnerable Landifills Fund

Making system-level change

Increasing and expanding the waste disposal levy

The waste disposal levy provides revenue for the promotion and achievement of waste minimisation and other environmental priorities.

In July 2021 we began phasing in increases to the waste disposal levy and expanding its scope. A second phase of changes to levy rates was agreed in May 2024.

See more on the waste disposal levy increase

Improving recycling and food scraps collections

In November 2022, the then Government agreed to five policies to improve household recycling: 

  • standardising the materials collected in household recycling 
  • introducing a council household recycling service to all urban areas 
  • introducing a council household food scraps service to all urban areas 
  • data reporting for private household recycling providers 
  • a performance standard for household recycling and food scraps diversion.

Of the five policies, only standard materials for household recycling has come into force.  

The Government has decided that the remaining four policies will not go ahead at this time. We will keep stakeholders updated if changes are made. 

The changes were consulted on in 2022 alongside proposals for:

  • a container return scheme for Aotearoa
  • separation of business food waste.

See consultation document

Around 6400 submissions were received on the consultation, with most submitters in favour of the initiatives.

Improving the availability, quality and consistency of waste data

Changes have been made to the information requirements and calculation and payment of waste disposal levy regulations to improve the availability, quality and consistency of waste data.

The changes to the regulations will require:

  • operators of landfills and transfer stations to report the source (‘activity category’) of waste that enters their site
  • territorial authorities to report on their spending of levy money and waste minimisation services and facilities.
  • Use of an updated schedule of volume-to-weight conversion factors for sites that don’t have a weighbridge.

See the briefing on the policy proposals 

Cabinet paper: Additional proposals to improve the availability of waste data

Improved waste data will support a range of initiatives in the Government’s waste work programme including:

The public was consulted on the proposed changes as part of the 2021 Taking responsibility for our waste consultation.  Further engagement with the waste sector occurred in 2021.

The new Waste Data Information Reporting Regulations come into force on 1 July 2024. They are available to view on the New Zealand Legislation website:

Waste Minimisation (Information Requirements) Amendment Regulations 2023

Waste Minimisation (Calculation and Payment of Waste Disposal Levy) Amendment Regulations 2023

Further information

If you have further questions on additional waste data information regulations, get in touch at

Addressing problems with individual products and materials

Developing end-of-life solutions for priority products

In July 2020, the Government declared six products as priorities for regulated product stewardship schemes. This is where regulations are used to increase incentives for the circular use of a resource.

The priority products are:

  • plastic packaging
  • tyres
  • electrical and electronic products (e-waste including large batteries)
  • agrichemicals and their containers
  • refrigerants 
  • farm plastics.

The focus is now on establishing regulated and accredited product stewardship schemes for the priority products.

See more on regulated product stewardship

We held a consultation on proposed regulations for product stewardship of tyres and large batteries.

Find out more about the proposed regulations

Phasing out certain single-use plastic items and hard-to-recycle plastic packaging

In June 2021, the Government announced the phase-out of a range of single-use plastic items and hard-to-recycle plastics between late 2022 and mid 2025.

The Government has removed the 2025 deadline on the third tranche of plastic phase outs. The 2025 deadline had included all PVC and polystyrene food and drink packaging not covered by the previous phase-outs.   

We will be undertaking further work in the coming months and reaching out to stakeholders on specific issues to support our advice to the Minister and Cabinet on next steps. 

We will update this webpage with more information as it becomes available. 

Find out more about the plastic phase-outs

In 2019, the Office of the Prime Minister’s chief science advisor provided recommendations for tackling Aotearoa New Zealand’s plastic waste problem. These were published in the Rethinking plastics in Aotearoa New Zealand report.

In September 2021, the Government published a national plastics action plan to progress actions agreed in its response to the report. The plan included setting up a Plastics Innovation Fund.

See more on the National Plastics Action Plan

See the Plastics Innovation Fund

See the Rethinking plastics in Aotearoa New Zealand report

See the actions agreed in the Government’s response to the report

Reducing environmental harm from outdoor storage of tyres

The National Environmental Standards for Storing Tyres Outdoors enable regional councils to better manage the environmental risks of outdoor tyre storage. The standards came into force on 20 August 2021.

See more on National Environmental Standards for Storing Tyres Outdoor

Reducing organic and food waste

We are working with other agencies on sustainable food systems and food security.

See more on food waste

Reducing construction and demolition waste

We are gathering more data to more accurately track and measure waste from construction and site clearance activities.

We are working with other agencies, businesses, and research institutes on initiatives which will help reduce construction and demolition waste and move towards more circular systems for building materials used.

Controlling hazardous substances

The Government is introducing regulatory amendments to the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996. This is to improve the assessment process for hazardous substances.

We also have international commitments for hazardous substances under the Minamata, Stockholm, Rotterdam, and Vienna Conventions.

See more on hazardous substances

See our international commitments

Strengthening compliance, monitoring and enforcement

Strategy for improving compliance, monitoring, and enforcement

We have a direct regulatory role in compliance, monitoring and enforcement of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.

Our strategy sets out our approach to this and explains how we achieve compliance and interact with regulated communities.

See the strategy

Find out about compliance, monitoring and enforcement under the Waste Minimisation Act

Improving contaminated land management

We are developing new Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) guidance to help identify, investigate and manage contaminated land.

We are also developing a contaminated land liability regime and a contaminated land strategy for future management of contaminated land.

See more on contaminated land