What territorial authorities must report on

The new data reporting requirements can be found in the:

Waste Minimisation (Information Requirements) Amendment Regulations 2023 [NZ Legislation website]

They include the requirement for the territorial authority (TA)to report the following data if the service or facility is provided for under the TA's waste management and minimisation plan:

  • types of materials collected
  • tonnes of materials collected
  • contamination tonnages for waste services managed by a territorial authority (eg, kerbside recycling collection)
  • any facilities owned or operated by a territorial authority (eg, material recovery facility).

TAs will also need to report on how they have spent the waste levy money they receive. This reporting was previously voluntary. From 1 July 2024 it will be compulsory.

When reporting is due

TAs must provide these reports to the Ministry for the Environment each year. The first report due on 30 September 2025.

How new reporting relates to existing reporting

New process for territorial authorities. Read the description for more information
New process for territorial authorities. Read the description for more information

Waste data regulations webinar

This webinar covers the new waste data reporting requirements for Territorial Authorities. 

View the presentation slides [PDF, 1.2 MB].

Find out more

If you have questions email: wastedataregsupport@mfe.govt.nz
