Two people stand by a wind turbine on a hill.

Tracking progress Carbon Neutral Government Programme

The first major milestone of the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP) was reached in December 2022, with all 39 public sector organisations (Tranche 1) reporting their greenhouse gas emissions.

For most, this was their first time undertaking this work.

Organisations have set gross emissions reduction targets for 2025 and 2030 and identified emission reduction initiatives toward achieving those targets.

Tranche 1 reporting 2022

39 Public sector organisations directed to take part in the first year of the CNGP

19 % Gross emissions reductions in 2021/22 since base year

22 % Emissions reduction target by 2025

100% reported their greenhouse gas emissions, targets, and reduction plans.
Total 2021/22 emissions were 303,000 tCO2-e. That’s a 73,000 tCO2-e reduction from base year; equivalent to taking 27,000 cars off the road for a year.
Agencies have further committed to a total 42% reduction by 2030

Key sources of emissions

The graph shows the top five combined emissions sources across Tranche 1 organisations, in base year and FY2021/22.  You can see the full table of emissions here on page 4.

Vehicle fleet (17%)

All travel undertaken by public sector organisations in government fleet vehicles.

Air Travel (13%)

All air travel undertaken by public sector organisations excluding operational aircraft (see below). This includes overseas diplomacy, site visits, and community engagement and consultation.

Electricity (12%)

Heating, lighting, and plug loads, for example in government office buildings, custodial facilities, defence bases, or courtrooms.

Operational aircraft (11%)

Aircraft fully operated by public sector organisations, such as emergency response aircraft and helicopters.

Natural gas/LPG (8%)

Predominantly from heating space and water in buildings, including correctional facilities, defence bases, and police stations.


Other emission sources include other transport fuels (e.g., shipping), agriculture, and waste to landfill.

Towards a low-emissions public sector

Coal Agencies are on track to phase out 41 remaining coal boilers at 23 sites by the end of 2025. The final site with two coal boilers will be phased out in 2028/29.

Offices Government office buildings over 2,000m2 must be assessed and have a NABERSNZ rating by 2025. 15% of buildings have been rated so far.

Fleet As of September 2022, 1,188 electric vehicles had been purchased since 2020. 10.16% of the government’s light vehicle fleet is electric.

School boilers The School Boiler Replacement Programme is replacing 151 coal boilers with low emissions alternatives.

Buildings From April, all new non-residential government-owned buildings over $9 million are required to be built to a minimum 5 Green Star rating.

Air travel Many agencies are making changes to travel policies to reduce requirements to travel.

What's next

Tranche 1

Tranche 1 organisations are further developing and implementing their reduction plans to meet 2025 targets. Agencies will continue to report progress on an annual basis.

Tranche 2 and 3

Tranche 2 and 3 will first report their emissions, targets and reduction plans in December 2023, and anually thereafter.

Progress updates

Further information