The survey results presented in this section of the report identify signatories’ general attitudes and behaviours regarding the Protocol itself, and the extent to which organisations are developing their own urban design guidance, and the level of investment in urban design capability and projects.

General attitudes and behaviours

In order to determine signatories attitudes and behaviours regarding the Protocol, respondents were asked to indicate their agreement against four key statements.

Chart 13 illustrates fairly positive attitudes towards the Protocol with slightly more than half of all respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing to:

  • Having their own urban design guidance being of high value (58 percent agree/strongly agree)
  • Using or referencing the Protocol in the development of other policies (54 percent agree/strongly agree)
  • Using or referencing the qualities of urban design (or the 7c’s) in their publications (52 percent agree/strongly agree).

In line with other findings identified in this report, the Protocol’s influence in strategic decision making is making some traction. For example, slightly less than half of all respondents (48 percent) agreed that the Protocol was influencing strategic decisions being made in their organisation, however one in three respondents (34 percent) reported this was not the case.

Chart 13: Attitudes and behaviours regarding Protocol (n=126) chart 13 attitudes and behaviours regarding protocol

Base: All respondents

This chart shows the attitudes and behaviours regarding the Protocol. In response to having our own urban design guidance is of high value to our organisation, 25 per cent strongly agreed, 33 per cent agreed, 2 per cent strongly disagree, 5 per cent disagrees, 16 per cent were neutral and 3 per cent and 16 per cent respectively were unsure or had no answer.

In response to the Protocol being used/referenced in the development of other policies, 10 per cent strongly agreed, 44 per cent agreed, 1 per cent strongly disagrees, 6 per cent disagree, 23 per cent were neutral and 2 per cent and 14 per cent respectively were unsure or had no answer.

In response to the Protocol qualities of urban design or are the 7C's being used/referenced in publications, 11 per cent strongly agreed, 41 per cent agreed, 2 per cent strongly disagrees, 12 per cent disagree, 17 per cent were neutral and 2 per cent and 14 per cent respectively were unsure or had no answer.

In response to whether the Urban Design Protocol is influencing strategic decisions being made in organisations, 8 per cent strongly agreed, 40 per cent agreed, 1 per cent strongly disagrees, 9 per cent disagreed, 25 per cent were neutral and 2 per cent and 14 per cent respectively were unsure or had no answer.

Development of urban design guidance

As identified earlier, more than half of all respondents (58 percent) reported that having their own urban design guidance was of high value. Respondents were then asked to indicate the extent to which their organisation has developed their own urban design guidance (refer Chart 14).

About half of all respondents (48 percent) reported their organisation had either developed, or were currently developing their own urban design guidance. A further one in three respondents (29 percent) reported that their organisation had not developed any urban design guidance. Of these, two out of five reported their organisation was likely or extremely likely to start developing their own urban design guidance over the next 12 months.

Chart 14: Organisation developing urban design guidance chart 14 organisation developing urban design guidance

Base: All respondents (n=126)

This chart shows responses of organisations in terms of their development of urban design guidance. In response to question Q21aa “Has your organisation developed, or is currently developing its own urban design guidance?” 48 per cent have developed or are currently developing urban design guidance, 29 per cent had no urban design guidance developed, 7 per cent were unsure and 16 per cent had no answer. In response to Q21bb, “How likely is your organisation to start developing its own urban design guidance?” 11 per cent stated it as extremely likely, 28 per cent stated it as somewhat likely, 35 per cent stated it as not at all likely, 24 per cent were unsure and 2 per cent had no answer.

Organisational investment

Following on from this, respondents were also asked to identify the level of investment their organisation has put into (or directed towards) urban design capability or specific projects to date. A total of 33 respondents provided this feedback.

As identified in Table 2 below, a total of $416 million has been directed towards urban design capability or specific projects to date. This equates to an average of $12.6 million per respondent organisation.

Table 2: Level of investment (n=33)
Level of investment in urban design capability or specific projects to date Statistic
Total $415,810,300
Minimum $1,000
Maximum $400,000,000
Mean $12,600,312

Key recommendations

Our recommendations in regards to the Protocol include the following:

  • The Ministry targets key influential or strategic networks or stakeholders to sign up to the Protocol
  • Considers updating the Protocol (including visual graphics) to ensure it remains current and relevant.