This section of the report summaries the future direction of the programme based on the information garnered in this report.

It is important to note, that a number of these recommendations also include the Ministry’s role within the programme.

Awareness and knowledge

  • Continues to promote the Protocol and benefits of quality urban design in order to further enhance the changes in behaviour and thinking
  • Develops a strategy for working closer with the central government sector, building networks, promoting the urban design protocol and raising awareness of quality urban design

Networking and sharing information

  • Continues to provide Urban Design Protocol events, and consider increasing the number of events provided in regional locations
  • Continues to further develop the urban design tools and resources (viz. Urban Design Tool Kit, Urban Leader newsletter, Urban Design Case Studies, the Action Pack for action plans, the Review of Urban Design Case Law)
  • Consider optimising the Urban Leader newsletter as tool of communicating with signatories (including online linkages), and facilitating greater two-way communication
  • Promotes the value organisations receive through exchanging urban design related information and research, and the value received through networking with other organisations
  • Develops a strategy in conjunction with education providers to address urban design capacity issues, and consider seeking input from the wider industry

Urban Design Champions

  • Reviews the Urban Design Champion literature in order provide more tailored support for existing and new Champions, and senior management

Action Plans and other programmes

  • Promotes the benefits and value (including leverage) signatory organisations receive from achieving action plans
  • Develops a strategy to assist signatories develop their own urban design guidance, and consider the development of tools and resources to aid signatories in this process
  • Reviews the action plan literature in order to provide more tailored support for signatories developing, and maintaining, their organisation’s Action Plans
  • Reviews the current administration of signatory Action Plans (including its database of signatory organisations) in order to make this a more efficient and effective process, and allows for greater communication between signatories and the Ministry in regards to ongoing monitoring of Action Plans.

The Protocol

  • Targets key influential or strategic networks or stakeholders to sign up to the Protocol.
  • Considers updating the Protocol (including visual graphics) to ensure it remains current and relevant.