The Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 and Spatial Planning Act 2023 were repealed in December 2024. These Acts’ provisions do not apply. This publication can be accessed for research. Please refer to Legislation passed to repeal the Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act for information on the changes.
This factsheet provides an overview of the timing of the transition from the Resource Management Act (RMA) to the new resource management system.
It describes how each part of the new system is developed in sequence, the region-by-region approach and ultimately, the repeal of the RMA.
During the transition period, only the provisions of either the RMA or the Natural and Built Environment Act will apply to any individual resource management matters, however, there is some intersection in certain areas and this factsheet signposts these. It also summarises those parts of the new system that come into force on enactment.
The Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 and Spatial Planning Act 2023 were repealed in December 2024. These Acts’ provisions do not apply. This publication can be accessed for research. Please refer to Legislation passed to repeal the Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act for information on the changes.
This factsheet provides an overview of the timing of the transition from the Resource Management Act (RMA) to the new resource management system.
It describes how each part of the new system is developed in sequence, the region-by-region approach and ultimately, the repeal of the RMA.
During the transition period, only the provisions of either the RMA or the Natural and Built Environment Act will apply to any individual resource management matters, however, there is some intersection in certain areas and this factsheet signposts these. It also summarises those parts of the new system that come into force on enactment.