Year by year changes in regional percentiles for manganese in groundwater, based on site-specific median values

Figure 1 National and regional summary statistics for state and trends in key indicators of groundwater quality based on data collected from 1995 to 2008
Figure 2 Year by year change in percentage of New Zealand monitoring sites exceeding guidelines for human consumption and ecosystem protection
Figure 3 Year by year changes in regional percentiles for nitrate-nitrogen in groundwater, based on site-specific median values
Figure 4 Year by year changes in regional percentiles for ammoniacal nitrogen in groundwater, based on site-specific medians
Figure 5 Year by year changes in regional percentiles for E. coli in groundwater, based on site-specific median values
Figure 6 Year by year changes in regional percentiles for dissolved iron in groundwater, based on site-specific median values
Figure 7
Figure 8 Year by year changes in regional percentiles for electrical conductivity in groundwater, based
on site-specific medians
Figure 9 Relationships between site specific median nitrate-nitrogen and well depth and aquifer confinement
Figure 10 Relationships between detection of E. coli and well depth and aquifer confinement
Figure 11 Relationships between median electrical conductivity and well depth and aquifer confinement