There are many ways tangata whenua can seek to protect their taonga and pursue their aspirations. Participating in the processes of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA) is one of those ways.

This guide aims to help tangata whenua to participate effectively in resource consent decision-making. [Tangata whenua can also participate in the plan-making processes of the RMA, but that form of participation is not addressed in this guide. Please refer toMaking a Submission on a Proposed Plan, Plan Change, or Variation, one in a series of everyday guides on the RMA, published by the Ministry for the Environment, and available from councils, or from the Ministry's website ( or publications team (phone (04) 917 7506, a 24-hour answer phone).] It is written for tangata whenua who like to see the RMA working for them, not against them.

This guide is for whānau, hapū, iwi and other organisations or groups who are representing tangata whenua interests in the consent process. You should read this guide if you:

  • want to participate in the resource consent process but don't know where to start
  • already participate in the process but want to know how to be more influential and effective and achieve more for your whānau, hapū, or iwi
  • want to know how other hapū or iwi handle these issues.

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