New Zealand biodiversity - areas in need of protection

New Zealand is home to many unique plants that can only be found here. This map shows which parts of the country have a high concentration of indigenous flora in need of protection. Protecting biodiversity in these areas has been identified as a priority by the government.

This map of New Zealand shows:

  • the location of the National Priority 1 land environments.
  • the areas of remaining indigenous vegetation within the National Priority 1 land environments and whether or not this remaining indigenous vegetation is formally protected.

Area of remaining indigenous vegetation in Priority 1 land environments that is not formally protected: 467,989 ha

National Priority One Land Environments and Remaining Indigenous Cover

National Priority One Land Environments and Remaining Indigenous Cover
National Priority One Land Environments and Remaining Indigenous Cover

Description of the map

The map shows an extensive area of New Zealand is defined as National Priority One Environments. In comparison areas that have been defined as having remaining indigenous cover or are formally protected national priority one land environments with remaining indigenous cover are few and dot sized.