Transpower's North Island Grid Upgrade Project

The North Island Grid Upgrade Project to provide a secure supply of electricity to Auckland and Northland was officially completed in December 2012. This page outlines the proposal and submission process, and links to media releases about the project.

About the proposal

Transpower lodged the notices of requirement for designations and applications for resource consents for its proposed transmission line (200km in length) from Whakamaru to Otahuhu and Pakuranga to supply power to the Auckland and Northland regions.

The line travels across the jurisdictions of nine local authorities (Auckland Region, Franklin District, Manukau City, Matamata-Piako District, South Waikato District, Taupo District, Waikato District, Waikato Region, Waipa District) through mainly rural land.

Map showing route of Transpower's proposed new transmission line.
This map shows the route of Transpower's proposed new transmission line. The proposed line with run overhead from a substation at Whakamaru to a substation at Brownhill. From there it will split and run underground to a substation at Otahuhu and a substation at Pakuranga.
Map showing route of Transpower's proposed new transmission line.
This map shows the route of Transpower's proposed new transmission line. The proposed line with run overhead from a substation at Whakamaru to a substation at Brownhill. From there it will split and run underground to a substation at Otahuhu and a substation at Pakuranga.

Call in and submissions

Minister Hodgson called in Transpower's notices of requirement and applications for the North Island Grid Upgrade Project, and appointed a board of inquiry to make a decisions about Transpower’s proposal.

The Minister received 1244 submissions on Transpower’s proposal and provided these to the Board of Inquiry, in accordance with the Resource Management Act.

The Board’s chair is Judge David Sheppard, and the other Board members are Kevin Prime, Dr Deborah Read and John Rutherford.