A group of people all together, demostrating a sense of community.

Zero-waste marae by 2025

Para Kore is working alongside iwi and other partners to achieve its vision of a zero-waste marae by 2025.

Twelve years ago, Para Kore began a revolution in how Māori communities manage waste.

Para Kore started as a small volunteer-run initiative. It launched its first pilot programme in 2008 across three Waikato marae. Today it operates across 340 marae and employs 25 people.

Working with marae, kohango reo, kura and other Māori organisations it aims to increase the reuse, recycling and composting of materials.

It has already diverted more than 350,000 tonnes of waste from landfill.

We are proud to support this Kaupapa through the Waste Minimisation Fund.

Learn more about the Waste Minimisation Fund