How the Digital Wings Trust is reducing e-waste to landfill

The Digital Wings Trust donates quality IT equipment to charities and community organisations to reduce e-waste going to landfill and enhance educational and employment opportunities. 

Digital wings trust warehouse with two people walking down and aisle of product

Working closely with the recycling company Remarkit Solutions, the Digital Wings Trust takes second-hand electronic equipment and puts it in the hands of charities like Kickstart. 

Kickstart is a charity which provides young people with opportunities to realise hope for a better future. Recently it received several computers from the Digital Wings Trust. These computers are now enabling students to have access to the Internet, work on their CVs and pursue job opportunities.

The Waste Minimisation Fund has helped Digital Wings grow from a pilot programme with 8 tonnes of e-waste diverted and 1,677 people benefitting from donated electronic equipment. It is now a greatly expanded operation with 707 tonnes of e-waste diverted and over 155,000 people benefitting.

Read more on the Digital Wings Trust website

Find out more about the Waste Minimisation Fund and how to apply