Lots of carrots in a bin being rescued.

Giving rescued food to those in need

A lot of edible food is thrown away. This is harmful to the environment and the opportunity to feed people in need is lost. One Double Five Community House Trust is solving both of those problems with its food rescue programme.

It’s estimated that around half of all food that Kiwis throw away doesn’t have to go in the bin.

Excess food from restaurants and 'ugly vegetables' often get tossed.

That's why the One Double Five Whare Awhina Community House Trust has a food rescue programme. They take edible food bound for landfill and give it to people in need.

So far the food rescue program has diverted more than 22 tonnes of food from landfill. This has provided meals for around 17,000 people.

We are proud to support this kaupapa through the Waste Minimisation Fund.

Learn more on the One Double Five Whare Awhina Community House Trust website