Public Waterways and Ecosystem Restoration Fund

Applications are currently closed

The Public Waterways and Ecosystem Restoration fund aims to address contamination of New Zealand’s waterways, create enduring environmental benefits, support sustainable land use, and create jobs with a regional spread. It is part of the Jobs for Nature programme.

Amount funded



In July 2020, the government announced $61,980,287 of funding from the Public Waterways and Ecosystem Restoration fund to 22 projects to improve freshwater quality.

In November, an additional $5,100,000 was awarded to two other projects bringing the total funding value to $67,080,287.

Job seekers - If you’re a job seeker check out the projects below. These are managed by councils and other organisations. They are funded through the Jobs for Nature programme. We suggest you monitor councils’ current vacancies or careers pages. They may have jobs being advertised for these projects now or in the near future.

Recipient Project title New jobs expected over life of project Crown funding
Auckland Council Mahurangi East land restoration 55 $5,000,000
Mahurangi River Restoration Trust Restoring our River 50 $4,064,237
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Bay Conservation Cadets 170 $3,500,000
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Accelerating Freshwater Improvement in the Bay of Plenty 33 $3,000,000
Environment Southland Expand our Action on the Ground projects to increasingly protect and restore Southlands Biodiversity  60 $4,250,000
Environment Southland Expansion of Regional Fish Passage Restoration  12 $385,000
Tairawhiti Environment Centre Tairawhiti Agroecology Recovery Project (TARP) 70 $4,848,250
Greater Wellington Regional Council Riparian management major rivers 50  
Greater Wellington Regional Council Wairarapa Moana Wetlands Project  100 $3,500,000 
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Hāpara Takatū 30.5 $2,100,000
Horizons Regional Council  Riparian planting and stream fencing  125 $4,681,000 
Horizons Regional Council Lake Horowhenua wetlands 45 $11,200,000
Horizons Regional Council Enhancing indigenous fish populations through fish passage remediation 15  $2,572,000 
Marlborough District Council  Catchment Care Programme   15 $600,000 
Nelson City Council  Riparian management major rivers  30 $1,700,000 
Northland Regional Council  Whangārei urban awa (blue/green) project  8 $524,800 
Taranaki Regional Council  'Transforming Taranaki' through Riparian Management  120 $5,000,000 
Tasman District Council  Waimea Inlet enhancement project  6 $500,000 
Tasman District Council Waimea Inlet Billion Trees Project (Phase 2) 14 $1,100,000 
Waikato Regional Council  Lake Kimihia lake level restoration project  4 $740,000 
Waikato Regional Council Restoration of Opuatia Wetland 4 $230,000
Waikato Regional Council The Piako River Green Corridor 47 $2,825,000
Waikato Regional Council Upper Waioumu Willow and Poplar Removal and Habitat Enhancement 21 $1,740,000
West Coast Regional Council Karamea riparian restoration 22 $520,000
  Totals 1091.5 $67,080,287