Making it easier to build granny flats

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry for the Environment sought feedback between June and August on options to make it easier to build small, self-contained and detached houses, commonly known as ‘granny flats’, on property with an existing home on it.

About the consultation

Find out more about granny flats [MBIE website]

Summary of submissions

The summary of submissions from the consultation is now available on MBIE’s website.

Read the summary of submissions [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Uptake analysis report

The Ministry for the Environment commissioned a report to model the potential uptake of the granny flats policy over eight years following policy introduction in four council areas.

The report suggests the policy will increase granny flat uptake overall across New Zealand with significant variation across towns and cities.

This modelling data will be used to support analysis of the policy, including for regulatory impact analysis.

Read the minor residential unit uptake analysis report

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