Rotokauri Greenway and minor Arterial Transport Corridor

This project has been referred to an expert consenting panel for fast-track consenting under the Covid-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting Act 2020).

Project ID



Hounsell Holdings Limited and Hamilton City Council

Project summary

To construct certain aspects of a 4.7-kilometre stormwater management corridor (‘Rotokauri Greenway’) between Lake Waiwhakareke and Lake Rotokauri, and a 3.8-kilometre transport corridor (‘Minor Arterial’) The project includes constructing artificial wetlands, landscaping and planting, upgrading the Rotokauri Drain and culvert below Exelby Road, and constructing three-waters infrastructure including a watermain, wastewater pipeline and pump station.


(‘Rotokauri Greenway’) between Lake Waiwhakareke and Lake Rotokauri (‘Minor Arterial’) between Te Wetini Drive and 153 Te Kowhai Road, Rotokauri, Hamilton.

Reasons for decision

The project will:

  • generate employment by creating approximately 273 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs associated with the Rotokauri Greenway component of the project, and 194 FTE jobs associated with the Minor Arterial component
  • provide infrastructure to improve economic, employment and environmental outcomes, including for freshwater quality
  • strengthen environmental resilience and manage risk from natural hazards including flooding
  • progress faster than would otherwise be the case under standard Resource Management Act 1991 process.

Any actual and potential effects on the environment, and proposed measures to avoid, remedy, mitigate, offset, or compensate for any adverse effects, can be appropriately tested by an expert consenting panel against Part 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the purpose of the Act.

Section 17 report

Section 17 report [PDF, 954 KB]