Government biodiversity work programme
What we are doing to protect, restore and sustain native wildlife in Aotearoa New Zealand.
What we are doing to protect, restore and sustain native wildlife in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The way we use our land has changed significantly. Forests, shrub and grasslands have been lost to towns, cities and farms. What remains is becoming increasingly fragmented.
The way we have exploited natural resources has led to long-term decline in native wildlife and ecosystems.
We have a more damaging climate. This includes more floods, wildfires, droughts and slips.
Pollution from plastics, metals, nutrients and sediment is damaging native wildlife and their habitats.
Find out about the state of our native wildlife in Environment Aotearoa 2022
This is the guiding document for how we protect, restore and sustain our native wildlife from 2020 to 2050. It’s led by the Department of Conservation.
The strategy supports Aotearoa New Zealand to meet its international obligations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
Find out more about Te Mana o te Taiao [Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai website]
In July the Government introduced the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB).
The NPSIB means clear and consistent standards for identifying, managing and protecting our wildlife and ecosystems.
See the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity
The Government is exploring the development of a biodiversity credit system to support the protection and restoration of our native wildlife. These systems are emerging overseas and a small market already exists here.
Consultaiton closed on 3 November 2023.