Te whakahokinga utu mō Wai 2358 Reimbursement forms for Wai 2358

E āhei ana ngā kaikerēme te tono whakahokinga utu mō ngā utu haerenga, ngā utu kai, ngā utu wāhi noho hoki ka puta i tā te kaikerēme haere ki ngā kaupapa Taraipiunara. Kei tēnei whārangi ngā puka whakahokinga utu hei whakakī.

This page includes links to funding application forms for travel/accommodation, reimbursements and pre-hearing events/research. Travel, meals, and accommodation costs related to attending Tribunal events can be included for consideration in a request for reimbursement.

If you require funding for the Climate Change Priority Inquiry (Wai 3325) please email claimantfunding@mfe.govt.nz.

Mā wai ēnei puka whakahokinga utu

E āhei ana ngā tāngata o raro iho nei ēnei puka te whakamahi:

  • ngā kaikerēme e whai wāhi atu ai ki Wai 2358
  • ngā mema o tētahi rōpū kerēme, ngā kaitautoko iti iho i te toru mō ia rōpū kerēme
  • te hunga whai pānga, hui atu hoki ki ngā kaitaunaki, ngā kaitautoko hoki.

Pānuitia te tauākī matatapu mō ngā pārongo ka kohia ki roto i ēnei puka (ka tukuna koe ki whārangi ipurangi anō)

Te puka mō te mahi rangahau me te whakarite taunakitanga i mua i te whakawātanga

Te pūtea tautoko rangahau

Whakakīia tēnei puka ki te tono pūtea tautoko mō tētahi kaupapa rangahau.

Ka whakaaro tōnuitia ngā tono pūtea ā ngā kaikerēme e te Manatū hei tautoko i ā rātou kerēme. Mā te Manatū e:

  • āta whakaaro mēnā ka kaha hāngai te rangahau ki te kerēme;
  • mahi ngātahi ki te Taraipiunara, ngā kaikerēme hoki e mārama ai:
    • he aha te kaupapa o te rangahau
    • he aha te take o te rangahau
    • mā wai te rangahau e utu (mā te Taraipiunara, mā te Manatū rānei).

Te whakarite taunakitanga

Whakakīia tēnei puka ki te tono pūtea hei tautoko i te mahi whakarite taunakitanga.

Mā te Manatū e utu ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake e hāngai ana ki ngā hui whakarite mō ngā kaikerēme, ngā kaitaunaki hoki hei whakaritenga mō ngā kaupapa Taraipiunara.

Mā te Manatū:

  • e utu ngā utu mō ā ngā kaikerēme me ngā kaitanunaki hāereere i waenga i ngā hui whakarite. Ka utua ngā mea e whakaaetia ana e ngā ture utu a ngā kaupapa Taraipiunara, arā, ko:
    • te hoko putuputu whaituā hui
    • te hoko putuputu taputapu ataata-rongo
      o te kai
    • ngā kaitautoko iti iho i te toru mō ia rōpū kerēme. Ki te whaitake, ka utua pea he kaitautoko anō.

Ka kōrerotia ngā tono o waho o ēnei ture ki ngā kaikerēme.

Te puka whakahokinga utu

Whakakīia tēnei puka hei tono whakahokinga utu mō te whakarite taunakitanga, te tae atu rānei ki ngā kaupapa ā te Taraipiunara o Waitangi mō te uiuinga Wāhanga Tuatoru o Wai 2358.

Te puka ikiiki me ngā wāhi noho

Whakakīia tēnei puka hei tono atu kia tapūia, kia utua hoki e te Manatū te ikiiki me ngā wāhi noho e pai ai tō tae atu ki ngā kaupapa ā te Taraipiunara o Waitangi mō te uiuinga Wāhanga Tuatoru o Wai 2358.

Ngā aratohu utu

Te momo utu Te momo utu Te mōrahi o te utu $ kua tāpirihia te GST He kōrero āpiti Me tuku taunakitanga He kōrero āpiti Me tuku taunakitanga
Ngā utu ikiiki

Ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake


Ki te tāpuia e mātou:
Ngā rerenga, ngā pahi ā-rohe, ngā waka tere, ngā whakawhitinga taunga waka rererangi, ngā waka kōpiko. Mā te Manatū hoki ēnei e tāpui. 



    Ki te tāpuia e koe: 
Ngā utu rerenga, ngā pahi, ngā waka tere, ngā takihī, ngā ratonga tiri waka, ngā tereina, ngā waka hoko putuputu hoki. Ka whakaaro tōnuitia ēnei mea katoa ki tukuna mai tētahi tono whakahokinga utu.
Ngā kiromita kua pau i te waka whaiaro Ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake

E āhei ana te tuku tono whakahokinga utu mai kia whakahokia ngā $0.95 i ia km mēnā kua whakamahia ngā waka whaiaro.

Tēnā whakamōhio mai te wāhi i tīmata ai tō haerenga me te wāhi i mutu ai tō haerenga, me ngā km kua pau i tō haerenga.

Te tūnga waka Ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake E āhei ana te tuku tono whakahokinga utu mō ngā utu tūnga waka. Āe
Ngā kai, hāunga te waipiro Iti iho i te $83.95 kua tāpirihia te GST mō ia tāngata, mō ia rā Kei te āhua o te wāhi noho, mēnā hoki nā te Manatū tonu te wāhi noho i tāpui, ka taea pea te Manatū te parakuihi me te kai o te pō te utu i taua wā tonu. Kāo
    Mēnā nāu te parakuihi, te tina, te kai o te pō i utu, e āhei ana te tuku tono whakahokinga utu. Āe
Ngā wāhi noho
Hāunga te waipiro, ngā pouaka makariri iti, ngā kiriata, te waea, me ērā atu utu
Ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake

Ki te tāpuia e mātou:
Ngā wāhi noho mēnā e wātea ana ētahi ki tērā wāhi. Tē taea e te Manatū ngā ratonga ā-ipurangi pērā i a Airbnb te tāpui, heoi anō e āhei ana te whakahoki utu atu mēnā nāu te wāhi noho i tāpui.



Ki te tāpuia e koe:
E āhei ana te tuku tono whakahokinga utu mō ngā utu wāhi noho. Tēnā whakamōhio mai te momo wāhi noho me te nama o ngā pō i nohoia ai e koe. 

Ngā hui whakarite Ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake

E āhei ana te tuku tono whakahokinga utu ngā utu hui whakarite mō te ngā kaupapa. Hei tauira, ko te hoko putuputu whaitua hui, te kai, ngā haerenga ki/i ngā hui whakarite, me ērā atu utu ka utua mō ngā kaupapa Taraipiunara.

Me he pātai āu, tēnā whakapā mai kia kōrero tahi ai tātou he aha ngā mea ka utua.

Ērā atu utu Ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake

Ka taea hoki te tuku tono whakahokinga utu mō ērā atu utu ka noho i waho i ngā utu kua kōrero kētia.

Kei te āhua o tērā tono, o tērā tono

Ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake

Mēnā ka tono mai koe kia whakahokia ētahi utu, mā te Manatū e whakatau ko wēhea ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake kei te āhua o ngā pārongo kua tukuna mai e koe.

Ko ngā mea ka whakaarohia hei te wā whakatau ko wēhea ngā utu tonu me ngā utu whaitake:

  • mēnā rānei ka whaitake te taenga atu a tērā tangata, a tērā tangata ki te kaupapa
  • te pāmamao o te haerenga a te kaikerēme, a te rōpū kerēme rānei kia tae atu ki te kaupapa, mēnā hoki he whaitake te momo tūnuku kua whakamahia.
  • mēnā rānei ka noho te kaikerēme rātou ko tāna rōpū te noho pō.
  • ka kōrero mātou ko ngā kaikerēme, ko te rōpū kerēme rānei e mārama pai ai ko wēhea ngā utu whaitake i mua i utunga, i te whakakāhoretanga rānei o tētahi utu.

Whakapā mai

Mēnā kāore ōu hiahia utu i kōrerohia i ngā whārangi nei, tēnā īmēra mai ki a claimantfunding@mfe.govt.nz kia kōrero tahi ai tāua ki tō tono.

When to use the reimbursement forms

These forms can be used to request funding by:

  • a claimant participating in Wai 2358
  • a member of a claimant group or support people. In general a total of up to three support people for the claimant group can be funded
  • interested parties in Wai 2358 (including their witnesses and support people).

Read our privacy statement relating to information collected within the forms.

Pre-hearing form: Research and evidence prep

Research request

Use this form to apply for funding for a research project.

The Ministry will consider requests from claimants to fund research to support their claims. This will involve:

  • considering whether the research has a clear link to the claim
  • working with the Tribunal and claimants to identify:
    • the research topic
    • the purpose of the research
    • who should fund the research (the Tribunal or the Ministry). 

Evidence preparation

Use this form to apply for funding to support the preparation of evidence.

The Ministry will fund the actual and reasonable costs to hold preparatory hui for claimants and claimant witnesses to prepare for Tribunal events. This will include:

  • funding members within a claimant group and claimant witnesses to travel to and from preparatory hui subject to the same parameters as attending Tribunal events.
  • venue hire
  • audio-visual (AVL) equipment hire
  • catering
  • up to three support people per claimant group. More support people can be funded where reasonable.

Additional costs will be considered on a case-by-case basis through discussion with claimants.

Reimbursement form

Fill in this form to request the reimbursement of costs for preparing evidence or attending an event as part of the Waitangi Tribunal’s Wai 2358 Stage 3 inquiry.

Travel and accommodation form

Complete this form to request the Ministry book and pay for travel and accommodation to attend an event for the Waitangi Tribunal’s Wai 2358 inquiry.

Cost guidelines

Cost type Maximum amount $ including GST Futher information Evidence required
Transport fares Actual and reasonable
If we book:

Flights, inter-city bus, ferry, airport transfers, and shuttles could be booked by the Ministry.

If you book:

Airfare, bus, ferry, taxis, ride sharing services, train, or car rental costs can be included for consideration in a claim for reimbursement.

Personal vehicle mileage Actual and reasonable Personal car use at $0.95/km can be included for consideration in a claim.
Please specify where your trip started and finished, and the km travelled when claiming personal vehicle costs.
Parking Actual and reasonable Car parking can be included for consideration in a claim. Yes


Excluding alcohol

Up to $83.95 including GST
Per person per day
Depending on the accommodation provider, breakfast and dinner may be able to be charged back to the Ministry if we have booked the accommodation No
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner purchased by you can be included for consideration in a claim for reimbursement. Yes
Accommodation Excluding alcohol, minibar, video, telephone, or other extra charges Actual and reasonable
If we book:

ccommodation if there is availability in that particular location. We cannot book Airbnb and similar online services for you, but we can reimburse them if you book yourself.

If you book:

Accommodation can be included for consideration in a claim for reimbursement. Please specify the type of accommodation and number of nights spent.

Preparatory hui Actual and reasonable Costs of claimant hui to support preparation for the event could be included in a claim. For example, could include venue hire, kai, travel to and from preparatory hui, and other costs as funded for Tribunal events.
If you have questions, please contact us to discuss what could be covered.
Other costs Actual and reasonable Other costs may be able to be included for consideration in a claim. To be specified on a case-by-case basis

Actual and Reasonable costs

If you ask us to reimburse you, the Ministry will decide which costs are actual and reasonable based on the information you provide.

When deciding if costs are actual and reasonable the Ministry may consider the following:

  • if the number of people from a claimant group and support people attending the event is reasonable
  • the distance the claimant or claimant group must travel and if a suitable form of travel has been selected
  • If there is the need for a claimant and their group to stay overnight.
    MfE will discuss with claimants or claimant counsel what amounts might be reasonable ahead of costs being incurred or rejecting any payments.

Contact us

If your funding needs are not covered in the costs outlined above, please email the team at claimantfunding@mfe.govt.nz to discuss your request.