The RMA provides for the following people to become a party or to appear in proceedings before the Environment Court, even if they did not lodge an appeal:

  • the Minister for the Environment
  • a local authority
  • the Attorney-General representing an aspect of the public interest
  • a person who has an interest in the proceedings that is greater than the public generally (excluding any person or business who may be a trade competitor and is acting to prevent the applicant from engaging in trade competition)
  • a person who made a submission about the matter (and is not excluded by the anti-trade competition provisions of the RMA).

To become a party you need to give notice to:

  • the Environment Court, the relevant local authority, and the appellant (or person who commenced the proceedings) within 15 working days after the appeal period ends
  • other parties within five working days of the deadline for joining the appeal.


There is a filing fee of $100 unless you are joining an appeal under sections 87G, 149T, 198E, and 198K of the RMA (direct referral provisions or proposals of national significance referred to the court).

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