The Stream Periphyton Monitoring Manual describes a standard set of methods for regional councils, consultants and researchers to collect and analyse data on periphyton for resource surveys, impact assessments/monitoring, state of environment reporting and research studies. It builds on the New Zealand Periphyton Guideline: Detecting, Monitoring and Managing Enrichment of Streams.
The Stream Periphyton Monitoring Manual describes a standard set of methods for regional councils, consultants and researchers to collect and analyse data on periphyton for resource surveys, impact assessments/monitoring, state of environment reporting and research studies. It builds on the New Zealand Periphyton Guideline: Detecting, Monitoring and Managing Enrichment of Streams.
The Stream Periphyton Monitoring Manual covers two general levels of data collection that are likely to be needed in resource management investigations:
- rapid assessments
- comprehensive (quantitative) assessments.
It provides a set of protocols that will be applicable to most of the common stream habitats in New Zealand. The manual also includes an identification guide to common periphyton in New Zealand streams and rivers and a field identification chart.