The 2008/09 financial year has been my first year as Chief Executive of the Ministry for the Environment and it has been a time of transition. During the year, the Ministry has served two different governments, implemented a new and significantly changed structure, and dealt with a potential significant decrease in budget in 2009/10.

Introduction from the Chief Executive

Before the change of the government, the Ministry worked on implementing the then Government’s priorities. When the government changed in November 2008, the Ministry responded to the changes and additions to our work programme priorities. In particular, reform of the Resource Management Act, review of the Emissions Trading Scheme, and consideration of the roles and functions in the environment sector of government, became key elements of our activities.

On the other hand, Cabinet decided to discontinue or scale back a number of sustainability work programmes that were not well aligned with the new Government’s priorities. These decisions freed up savings that will support priority activities in the new financial year and helped manage the decrease in budget.

It is not easy to end a programme that staff have dedicated time and effort to, and though there has been some public concern about the loss of the sustainability programmes, there is a limit to how much the Ministry can realistically do each year. Taking on new priorities, especially in a time of financial constraint, inevitably means a reassessment of existing work.

This annual report reflects both the new priorities and the planned projects that were not completed because the work programme was discontinued or scaled back. Similarly, new priorities, while not part of our Statement of Intent for the year under review, are also included.

In addition to work programme changes, the 2008/09 year saw a major review of the Ministry’s structure and ways of working. The new structure and governance systems took effect from July 2009. We believe that these changes will make it easier for our partners and stakeholders to know who they should talk to in the Ministry about the issues and work programmes in which they are interested, as well as providing greater clarity for our staff.

Building Ministry capability and strengthening our operating systems continues to be a priority. For example, a programme of management development was prepared and got under way from 1 July 2009, and we have adopted a programme to progressively review all internal policies and procedures, including developing new policies where there are gaps.

Over time I expect these improvements in capability and systems to add considerable value to our work and enhance our business operations.

[signed by]
Paul Reynolds

Chief Executive