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Priority waste streams for product stewardship intervention: A discussion document

In 2014, the Government consulted on whether it should intervene to improve the management of four product waste streams: electronic and electrical equipment; tyres; agrichemicals and farm plastics; and refrigerants and other synthetic greenhouse gases.

In 2014, the Government consulted on whether it should intervene to improve the management of four product waste streams: electronic and electrical equipment; tyres; agrichemicals and farm plastics; and refrigerants and other synthetic greenhouse gases.

A discussion document was released on 21 May 2014 asking whether the four product waste streams identified are the right waste streams to be the focus of potential Government intervention. It also asked whether any of the four products should be declared priority products under the Waste Minimisation Act, requiring a product stewardship scheme to be developed and accredited.

Public submissions were invited from 21 May to 2 July 2014 and 216 submissions were received.

Read the summary of submissions document

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