This guide draws on information presented in Tools for Estimating the Effects of Climate Change on Flood Flow, a 95-page report prepared for the Ministry for the Environment by NIWA. It also draws on information from other guidance, including the Ministry’s technical report A Methodology to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Risk and draws on work undertaken by SKM for the Ministry.


In preparing this guide, and the report on which this guide is based, the authors have used the best available information, and have interpreted this information exercising all reasonable skill and care. Nevertheless, none of the organisations involved accept any liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of the provision of the information within this guide or its source reports.

While every effort has been made to ensure this guide is as clear and accurate as possible, the Ministry for the Environment will not be held responsible for any action arising out of its use. This guide should not be taken as providing a definitive statement for any particular user’s circumstances. All users of this guide should satisfy themselves, and their client(s), concerning the application of this guide to their situation; where there is uncertainty, they should seek expert advice.


This guide was prepared by Julie King of the Ministry for the Environment, with comments and contributions provided by a wide range of other organisations and individuals. The Ministry acknowledges the many people who assisted in its compilation and those who provided photos. In particular we thank: Warren Gray, Jacqui Yeates, Dee Guja, Jane Puddephatt, Kim Wright, Trecia Smith, Helen Grant and Tony Oliver.

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