This report details how we develop and maintain the regulatory regimes for which we are responsible, including the current state of each piece of legislation, any plans for amendments and our view of important emerging issues. In 2015, the Government asked the seven main regulatory departments (MBIE, MPI, MOT, MOJ, DIA, IRD, and MfE) to publish such an assessment annually, to ensure each department is fulfilling its regulatory stewardship responsibilities under section 32 of the State Sector Act 1988.

This report details how we develop and maintain the regulatory regimes for which we are responsible, including the current state of each piece of legislation, any plans for amendments and our view of important emerging issues. In 2015, the Government asked the seven main regulatory departments (MBIE, MPI, MOT, MOJ, DIA, IRD, and MfE) to publish such an assessment annually, to ensure each department is fulfilling its regulatory stewardship responsibilities under section 32 of the State Sector Act 1988.

We are currently developing a means of providing indicators to provide consistency with other agencies and their regulatory reports while reflecting our role as a system steward, which we will implement in subsequent reports. Our role in the environmental management system is one of leadership and coordination, rather than as a direct regulator. We work with local councils who are responsible for making regulatory decisions and enforcing them.

If you have any feedback on our regulatory stewardship strategy, please contact

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