Our marine environment 2022

Our marine environment 2022 examines the most pressing issues in our oceans, seas, coastlines and estauries.
The report is produced jointly by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ.
Our marine environment 2022 examines the most pressing issues in our oceans, seas, coastlines and estauries.
The report is produced jointly by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ.
New Zealand has one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZ) in the world with a diverse range of coastal and marine environments, habitats, and species. As an island nation, our unique marine environment also holds an important place in our national identity. It is central to our economy, wellbeing, recreation, and for gathering kai moana (seafood). For some Māori, the marine environment is central to tikanga Māori (customs and protocols) and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge).
Despite this, our marine environment is under pressure from climate change and degradation from our activities on the land and at sea. These pressures have impacts on the things we value as individuals, communities, and as a nation. Efforts are being made to protect and restore New Zealand’s marine environment; however, Our marine environment 2022 shows us that whilst some aspects of the environment display improving trends, others continue to be at risk.
Indicators presented in this report alongside the research literature are based on the best available science and highlight the issues facing the marine environment. However, while our understanding of issues affecting our marine environment has progressed, its size and nature present challenges for monitoring and reporting; the interactions between pressures and the state of the marine environment are inherently complex, and there are gaps in data coverage and consistency.
Our marine environment 2022 is the latest in a series of environmental reports produced by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ. It is the third report in the series dedicated to the marine environment, following the 2016 and 2019 reports, and is part of the third cycle of reports released under the Environmental Reporting Act 2015.
In 2019, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) released his report, Focusing Aotearoa New Zealand’s environmental reporting system (PCE, 2019). The report identified how the environmental reporting system can be improved and recommended changes to the Environmental Reporting Act. Implementing these amendments will provide a stronger foundation to ensure we understand our environment and the impacts people are having on it.
Our marine environment 2022 continues the scaled-back format for environmental reports first signalled in Our air 2021, providing valuable information while we progress the fundamental changes needed to improve the reporting system in line with recommendations from the PCE (PCE, 2019). This is an information-oriented release, with the primary focus on updating recent indicators and scientific evidence about the marine environment. This report updates some of the indicators reported on in previous years and brings those indicators together with what we know from past reports and insights from the research literature. Interactive graphs and maps can be found on the Stats NZ website (see links to indicator web pages throughout this report).
As required by the Act, we use pressure, state, and impact to report on the environment and this forms the basis for the report’s structure. The logic of the framework is that pressures cause changes to the state of the environment and these changes may have impacts. The report describes impacts on marine species and ecosystems, infrastructure, te ao Māori (Māori world view), culture, economy, public health, and recreation, and connection to the marine environment to the extent that is possible with the available information. It also identifies information gaps.
The data used in this report came from many sources including Crown research institutes and central and local government. Further supporting information was provided using a ‘body of evidence’ approach. This body of evidence includes peer reviewed, published literature, as well as mātauranga Māori and observational tools used to identify changes in the ecosystem.
All data used in this report, including references to scientific literature, were corroborated, and checked for consistency with the original source. The report was reviewed by a panel of independent scientists. The indicators related to the marine environment and the date they were last updated are available on the Stats NZ indicators web pages [Stats NZ].
Our marine environment continues to be affected by a range of individual and cumulative pressures. Increases in greenhouse gas emissions from human activities continue to drive increased ocean acidification, sea-level rise, and sea-surface temperatures. Our activities on land can also have detrimental effects through excess sediment, nutrient, and plastic pollution. At sea, our activities place pressure through commercial and recreational fishing, aquaculture, extraction of natural resources, introduction of non-indigenous species, and coastal development.
Climate change continues to affect the state of the marine environment; oceans are continuing to acidify, sea levels are rising, and sea-surface temperatures continue to increase. Recent trends for nutrient-related coastal and estuarine water-quality measures have been improving at more sites than worsening. While there is limited information on the health of marine habitats and ecosystems, monitored biogenic habitats (those created by living organisms or biological processes) have typically reduced in extent and condition since human settlement, with the exception of mangroves, which have expanded. Many marine bird, invertebrate, and identified taonga (treasured) species assessed are threatened with extinction or at risk of becoming threatened with extinction.
The state of the marine environment has impacts on marine species, habitats, ecosystems, and people. Increases in sea-surface temperature, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise may impact marine species and ecosystems, coastal infrastructure and communities, sites of significance, and mātauranga Māori and tikanga. Excess sediment and nutrients, plastics, and non-indigenous introductions can pose risks to marine ecosystems. Changes to biodiversity and ecosystems have potential to influence connections to our marine environment.
Our marine environment is highly interconnected. As a result, the challenges facing the marine domain are often complex and linked to pressures occurring far from our coasts and oceans. Understanding these pressures is necessary to ensure the decisions we make now give us the best possible chance of enjoying a thriving marine environment in the future.
New Zealand’s environmental monitoring and reporting system plays a key role in protecting te taiao (the environment), but our ability to report on the state of the environment depends on how well we collect and analyse data about it, and that needs improving. Our marine environment 2022 illustrates these challenges, in particular the passive harvesting of data raised by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment in 2019. While work is underway to amend the Environmental Reporting Act, the need for a fit-for-purpose environmental monitoring and reporting system that is adaptable to future challenges is increasingly important.
While this report has highlighted new evidence and research into the state of our marine environments since Our marine environment 2019, there are opportunities to further advance our understanding by investing in and prioritising environmental research. This includes:
The data used in Our marine environment 2022 is drawn from Our marine environment 2019 and Environment Aotearoa 2022 and the Stats NZ indicators that have featured in them. Data from four indicators updated since Our marine environment 2019 have also been incorporated. Listed below are the indicators that have been incorporated in this report including the four updated indicators (in bold):
We would like to thank the following for providing data and advice in the development of indicators used in this report:
Auckland Council; Bay of Plenty Regional Council; Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia; Department of Conservation; Environment Canterbury; Environment Southland; Environment Waikato; Greater Wellington Regional Council; Hawke’s Bay Regional Council; Horizons Regional Council; John Hannah (Vision NZ Ltd); Land Information New Zealand (New Zealand Hydrographic Authority); Marlborough District Council; Ministry for Primary Industries; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Nelson City Council; New Zealand Ocean Acidification Observing Network and sampling partners; NIWA; Northland Regional Council; Otago Regional Council; Rob Bell (Bell Adapt Ltd); Tasman District Council, Waikato Regional Council.
This report includes several passages of mātauranga from te ao Māori contributed by individuals, groups, whānau, hapū, and iwi. In particular, we acknowledge:
Rereata Makiha
Dr Hauiti Hakopa
Dr Hauiti Hākopa, Mātauranga Māori Researcher and Advisor
Pete Wilson, 4Sight Consulting – Part of SLR
Carolyn Lundquist, NIWA
Hilke Giles, Pisces Consulting
Oliver Wade, Marlborough Regional Council
Anderson TJ, Morrison M, Macdiarmid AB, Clark MR, Archino RD, Tracey DM, Gordon DP, Read GB, Kettles H, Morrisey D, Wood A, Smith AM, Page M, Paul-burke K, Schnabel K, & Wadhwa S. (2019). Review of New Zealand’s Key Biogenic Habitats. In NIWA Client Report (Issue January). https://environment.govt.nz/publications/review-of-new-zealands-key-biogenic-habitats/
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