This section follows the four phases involved in developing and implementing an environmental strategy and action plan:

Section one: Developing and implementing an environmental strategy and action plan

  • planning
  • before the event
  • during the event
  • after the event.

It includes tips and hints for engaging with stakeholders, assessing environmental impacts, and determining the scope of a strategy. It also covers communications and measurement, which need to be undertaken throughout the four key phases.

Section two: Greening focus areas

This section includes specific guidance on the following key areas:

  • supplies and contracts (procurement)
  • waste and resource use
  • transport
  • energy
  • construction and temporary activities
  • water
  • greenhouse gas emissions.

Examples of environmental objectives, targets and actions are included. It should be noted that the guidance provided in this section is not exhaustive, but aimed at offering ideas and examples to start the greening process. Experts and resources are available to help develop specific strategy and actions appropriate to individual events: examples of web links, names and contact details are provided throughout the guide.

Section three: Tools, checklists and templates

The final section contains useful tools for preparing an environmental strategy and action plan.

Remember: choose what’s relevant, realistic and appropriate for the event. Don’t try to do everything.

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