The Ministry has published a series of guidance documents to support people who manage and monitor intensive winter grazing (IWG) activities to further improve IWG practices in a way that is consistent with the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater Regulations 2020 regulations (NES-F) and minimises impacts on the environment.
This info sheet provides an overview of how to use the guidance documents, the impacts of IWG practices in Aotearoa New Zealand, and sets out the IWG policy context to provide a base understanding of requirements.
The series includes:
Critical source areas: Guidance for intensive winter grazing
The Ministry has published a series of guidance documents to support people who manage and monitor intensive winter grazing (IWG) activities to further improve IWG practices in a way that is consistent with the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater Regulations 2020 regulations (NES-F) and minimises impacts on the environment.
This info sheet provides an overview of how to use the guidance documents, the impacts of IWG practices in Aotearoa New Zealand, and sets out the IWG policy context to provide a base understanding of requirements.
The series includes:
Critical source areas: Guidance for intensive winter grazing