If you do give your written approval, and all other affected persons also give written approval, the council will probably consider the application without notifying anyone, and approve or decline the resource consent.

Giving your written approval doesn’t mean the council will automatically approve the application.

If you do give your written approval:

  • the council will not consider any effects on you when they decide whether to notify the application, or to grant or decline the application
  • you can’t appeal the decision after the resource consent has been approved and issued.

Can I change my mind?

Yes. You can formally withdraw your approval in writing any time before the resource consent is granted. If you do change your mind, make sure you:

  • keep copies of everything you sign as a record of what you’ve approved
  • withdraw your approval as soon as you can after you change your mind
  • write a letter to the council to withdraw your approval – a phone call isn’t enough. You should also send a copy of the letter to the applicant.

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