Ngā kupu tīmata Opening words

Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki
mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi
mānawa maiea te Mātahi o te tau.
Ka eke Tiromahuta
ka eke Rongorupe
ka eke Rangitāhuahua
kei au te tauranga taku tū
te mauri tū
te whiwhi a nuku tū,
puritia mai i roto
te whiwhi a roto,
tēnei te mauri ka whakapiki
te mauri ka whakakake
ko te mauri o te tau hou Māori e tū mai nei.
Whano, whano,
haramai te toki!
Haumi, e!
Hui, e!
Tāiki, e!
Celebrate the rising of Matariki
celebrate the lord of the sky
celebrate the new year.
Rise Tiromahuta
rise Rongorupe
rise Rangitāhuahua
come to rest at this place
your power
to benefit everyone,
the bounty,
the vitality rises
the vitality climbs
the essence of the new year.
Unite, unite,
and bring forth the dawn!
In union!
We are one!
In te ao Māori, significant events are opened with tikanga, an acknowledgment of ancestral support and guidance. We open Environment Aotearoa 2022, a significant report, with these ngā kupu tīmata generously gifted by Professor Rangi Matamua.
Ngā kupu tīmata Opening words
April 2022
© Ministry for the Environment