Te hau mārohi ki anamata Towards a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy: Aotearoa New Zealand's first emissions reduction plan

The first emissions reduction plan is in place until 31 December 2025, the end of the first emissions budget period. It was amended in December 2024 to align with the Government’s climate strategy (see 'Related publications' at the bottom of this page).
The Table of actions also forms part of the emissions reduction plan. Supporting information includes the Government's response to the Climate Change Commission’s recommendations and the Technical information annex.
These documents and the amended plan are linked in the related publications section.
The first emissions reduction plan is in place until 31 December 2025, the end of the first emissions budget period. It was amended in December 2024 to align with the Government’s climate strategy (see 'Related publications' at the bottom of this page).
The Table of actions also forms part of the emissions reduction plan. Supporting information includes the Government's response to the Climate Change Commission’s recommendations and the Technical information annex.
These documents and the amended plan are linked in the related publications section.
The transition to a low-emissions economy is a significant opportunity to improve our economic prosperity, lower the cost of living, restore nature, address inequality and improve living standards for all New Zealanders. Climate action is an investment in higher paying jobs, more productive businesses and resilient supply chains.
By 2050:
Interim targets that step towards 2050
The policies and strategies to achieve the emissions budgets
Strategies to help us understand and respond to climate change risks
The emissions reduction plan puts Aotearoa New Zealand on a path to achieve our longterm targets and contribute to global efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels. The actions in this plan enable us to meet our first emissions budget. This requires Aotearoa to reduce our emissions by an extra 11.5 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2-e) between 2022 and 2025. This is the emissions equivalent of approximately 4.3 to 5.5 million petrol-based cars driving 10,000 kilometres a year.
The plan builds on the steps we have already taken to address climate change, including:
The plan sets out actions that we can all get behind. Working together, we can build a better future for all New Zealanders.
Action to address climate change will make New Zealanders better off.
The transition to a low-emissions economy provides an opportunity to lower the cost of living in Aotearoa and improve living standards.
The emissions reduction plan will help us move away from fossil fuels and reduce exposure to volatile global fuel markets. The Government will help households reduce their transport emissions by improving access to affordable, sustainable transport options, including by:
Actions such as these will help put us on track to make zero-emissions vehicles 30 per cent of light vehicles (cars, vans, utes) and reduce the total kilometres light vehicles travel by 20 per cent by 2035.
We’ll increase our health and prosperity with healthier homes and sustainable communities by:
The Government will support every household to play a part, making it easier to reduce organic waste by:
The plan builds Aotearoa New Zealand’s reputation as a provider of clean, green and safe products.
To keep up with global customer expectations, we must reduce the footprint of our products and continue to build new export opportunities – especially for our food and fibre industries.
The actions in the plan will ensure Aotearoa New Zealand is one of the most sustainable providers of food in the world. This will be achieved by:
Adopting clean technologies and improving sustainability will make our supply chains and industries more productive. This includes moving to low-emissions manufacturing, freight and aviation.
The Government will enable sustainable supply chains by:
The plan will also support the growth of new industries such as green hydrogen and the bioeconomy, and put Aotearoa on a path to a circular economy by 2050.
New technologies will allow Aotearoa to reduce emissions, increase productivity and improve living standards for all.
Low-emissions technologies are already available to assist our transition, and the Government is backing innovators to come up with more.
We also have generations of indigenous knowledge to guide our transition to a low-emissions economy. The Government’s Vision Mātauranga policy enables the science and innovation potential of Māori knowledge and a holistic worldview that centres nature in technological advances.
The Government is already driving Aotearoa to a more innovative future through its $800 million investment in climate-related research, science and innovation.
Our precious native forests and plants store carbon, increase our resilience to impacts of climate change and support our biodiversity and wellbeing. Protecting, enhancing and restoring nature is at the heart of our response to the climate and biodiversity crisis.
Key actions to support nature-based solutions include:
We need to ensure an equitable transition for Māori, led by Māori, to uphold Māori rights and interests under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Achieving an equitable transition means building Māori–Crown relationships and capability, so that we can progress our climate response work as partners.
The plan includes Māori and government working together to:
Our transition will require us to change the way we do things over the next 30 years. Workers, whānau and households, business and industry, Māori, regional communities and economies, and wider communities need to be supported through this period of change.
The plan includes actions to ensure an equitable transition, for example:
The Government launched its Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP) to combat climate change and accelerate emissions reductions within the public sector.
The CNGP requires a number of public sector agencies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.
The CNGP is backed by the State Sector Decarbonisation Fund, which invests in projects that will have the greatest impact on emissions.
This includes:
He whai wāhitanga hira te whakaumu ki te ōhanga tukunga-iti ki te whakapai ake i tō tātou taurikura ohaoha, te whakaheke i te utu noho, te whakaora i te taiao tūturu, te whakakore i te ōritenga kore me te whakapai ake i ngā paerewa noho mō ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa. He haumitanga te whakamauru huringa āhuarangi ki ngā mahi e nui atu ai te utu kaimahi, ki ngā pakihi e nui atu ai ngā whakaputaranga, me ngā ara tukutuku pakari.
Hei te 2050:
Te poutama o ngā ūnga taupua tae atu ki te 2050.
Ngā kaupapahere me ngā rautaki e tutuki ai ngā tahua tukunga.
Ngā rautaki hei āwhina i tō tātou māramatanga me te urupare ki ngā mōrearea panoni āhuarangi.
Mā te mahere whakaheke tukunga e whāia ai e Aotearoa te ara ki te whakatutuki i ā tātou ūnga pae tawhiti me te whai wāhi ki ngā mahi ā-ao ki te whakatiki i te pikinga pāmahana ki te 1.5˚C i runga ake i ngā taumata i te wā o te whananga ahumahi. Mā ngā mahi o tēnei mahere e āhei tātou ki te whakatuki i tā tātou tahua tukunga tuatahi. Ka hiahia tērā kia whakaheke a Aotearoa i ā tātou tukunga mā tētahi ōritenga ki ngā mekatana 11.5 tāpiri (Mt CO2-e) i waenga i te 2022 me te 2025. Koinei te ōritenga tukunga o tōna 4.3 ki te 5.5 miriona waka whai pūkaha koranehe e taraiwa ana i te 10,000 kiromita ia tau.
Ko tā te mahere he whakawhānui i ngā mahi kua oti kē ki te whakamauru i te huringa āhuarangi, tae atu ki:
Kei te whakatakoto mahere te mahere mā tātou katoa e whakatinana. Mā te mahi ngātahi ka taea he āpōpōtanga pai ake mō ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa.
Mā te otinga o ngā mahi ki te whakamauru i te huringa āhuarangi e nui ake ai te taurikura o ngā tāngata o Aotearoa. Ka whakarato te whakaumu ki te ōhanga tukuwaro iti i te whai wāhitanga ki te whakaiti i te utu noho me te whakapai ake i ngā paerewa noho i Aotearoa.
Ka āwhina te mahere whakaheke tukunga i a tātou ki te whakarere i te koranehe me te whakaiti i tō tātou noho whakaraerae ki ngā mākete koranehe takahirihiri ā-ao. Ka āwhina te kāwanatanga i ngā ngā kāinga kia whakaiti i ō rātou tukanga tūnuku mā te whakarato i ngā kōwhiringa tūnuku toitū, ngāwari te utu, tae atu ki:
Mā ngā mahi pēnei e para te huarahi hei whakarite kia tukuwaro-kore te 30 ōrau o ngā waka māmā (motukā, wēne, taraka iti), ka mutu, kia whakaiti i te tapeke kiromita e haerea ai i ngā waka māmā mā te 20 ōrau ā te 2035.
Mā mātou e whakapiki tō tātou hauora me te taurikura mā ngā kāinga hauora ake me ngā hapori toitū mā te:
Mā te Kāwanatanga ia whare e tautoko ki te whai wāhi mai, me te whakamāmā i te whakaheke pararopi mā te:
Ko tā te mahere he whakakaha i tō Aotearoa ingoa hei kaiwhakarato hua mā, kākāriki me te haumaru.
E ū ai ki ngā kawatau a ngā kiritaki huri noa i te ao, me mātua whakaiti i te tapuwae waru, hauropi anō hoki, me te hangahanga tonu i ngā whai wāhitanga hou mō te hoko whakawaho - inarā mō ō tātou ahumahi kai me te kaka.
Mā ngā maha o te mahere e whakarite kia noho a Aotearoa hei kaiwhakarato kai tino toitū rawa o te ao. Ka tutuki tēnei i:
Mā te whai i ngā hangarau mā me te whakapiki i te toitūtanga e nui ake ai te whakaputaranga o ō tātou ara tukutuku, ahumahi anō hoki. Kei roto i tēnei ko te neke ki ngā mahi whakanao, te kawekawe utanga me ngā ratonga manurere e iti ai ngā tukunga.
Ka whakaahei te Kāwanatanga i ngā ara tukutuku toitū mā te:
Ka tautoko anō hoki te mahere i te whanaketanga o ngā ahumahi hou pērā i te hauwai kākāriki me te ōhanga koiora, ka mutu, ka whāia e Aotearoa te ara ki te ōhanga āmiomio ā te 2050.
Mā te hangarau hou a Aotearoa e tuku kia whakaheke tukunga, whakapiki i te whakaputaranga me te whakapai ake i ngā paerewa noho o te katoa.
Kua wātea kē ngā hangarau tukunga-iti hei āwhina i tō tātou panoni, ā, kei te tautoko te Kāwanatanga i ngā kaihanga auaha kia whakawhanake i ētahi atu anō.
E wātea ana hoki ki a tātou ngā whakatupuranga maha o te mātauranga taketake hei ārahi i tā tātou whakawhiti ki te ōhanga tukunga-iti. Ka whakamana te kaupapahere Vision Mātauranga a te Kāwanatanga i te pūtaiao me te pūmanawa auaha o te mātauranga Māori me te tirohanga torowhānui ā-ao e noho pū ai te taiao ki ngā kōkiritanga hangarau.
E āki kē ana te Kāwanatanga kia nui ake te auahatanga o Aotearoa ki anamata mā tana haumitanga $800 miriona ki te rangahau e pā ana ki te āhuarangi, te pūtaiao me te auahatanga.
Ka rokiroki waro ō tātou ngāherehere me ngā tipu māori, ka whakakaha i tō tātou aumangea ki ngā pāpātanga o te panoni āhuarangi, ka mutu ka hāpai i tō tātou rerenga koiora me te toiora. Kei te uho te tiaki, te whakarei me te whakaora i te taiao tūturu o tā mātou urupare ki te mōrearea āhuarangi me te rerenga koiora.
Kei roto i ngā mahi matua hei tautoko i ngā rongoā ko te taiao te pūtake ko ēnei:
Ko tā mātou he whakarite i te panoni mana ōrite mō te Māori, mā te Māori e arataki ki te hāpai i ngā motika me ngā pānga Māori i raro i Te Tiriti o Waitangi. E tutuki ai te panoni mana ōrite, me whakapakari i ngā hononga Māori-Karauna kaha, kia taea ai te koke i ā mātou mahi urupare hei hoa pātui.
Mā taua mahere me mahi ngātahi te Māori me te kāwanatanga ki te:
Mo te taha ki taua whakawhitinga nei me whakaumu i ā tātou mahi puta noa i ēnei tau e 30 e tū mai nei. Me tautoko ngā kaimahi, whānau me ngā kāinga, ngā pakihi me ngā ahumahi, a ngāi Māori, ngā hapori me ngā ōhanga ā-rohe, me ngā hapori whānui ake puta noa i te roanga o taua wā o te panoni.
Kei roto i te mahere ngā mahi hei whakarite i te whakawhitinga mana ōrite, hei tauira:
I whakarewa te Kāwanatanga i tana Kaupapa Kore Waro a te Kāwanatanga (Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP) ki te whakamauru i te panoni āhuarangi me te whakahoro ake i ngā whakahekenga tukunga i roto i te rāngai tūmatanui.
Ko te whakarite o te CNGP kia tutuki i ētahi o ngā umanga rāngai tūmatanui te tukuwaro kore hei te 2025.
E taituarātia ana te CNGP e te Tahua Whakaheke Tukuwaro Rāngai Kāwanatanga, tērā ka haumi ki ngā kaupapa he tino nui rawa te pāpātanga ki te whakaheke tukunga. Kei roto i ēnei:
The fluorinated gases case study in chapter 16 was updated on 15 June 2022. On advice from WorkSafe, we have removed an example relating to a heat pump conversion and have added safety precaution advice for installing natural refrigerants.
Te hau mārohi ki anamata Towards a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy: Aotearoa New Zealand's first emissions reduction plan
May 2022
© Ministry for the Environment