Adaptation FEC and CCC responses thumbnail

Government responds to climate adaptation inquiry and monitoring report

The Government has responded to the Finance and Expenditure Committee’s Inquiry into Climate Adaptation, and to He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission’s first progress report on the national adaptation plan.

Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Committee conducted an Inquiry into Climate Adaptation to develop and recommend objectives and principles for the design of a new adaptation framework. The Committee published its report in October 2024.
Separately, the Climate Change Commission provides a progress report on the implementation and effectiveness of Aotearoa New Zealand's first national adaptation plan every two years. Its first report was published in August 2024.
The Government has responded to both reports.

Response to Inquiry into Climate Adaptation

In its response to the Finance and Expenditure Committee, the Government acknowledges the importance of the inquiry in developing cross-party consensus on recommended guiding principles and objectives. 

The Government is considering the report’s recommendations as it continues to develop policy for an adaptation framework to strengthen how New Zealand prepares for the effects of climate change, including access to information and clarity on sharing costs.  
Read the Government’s response to the Inquiry into Climate Adaptation [New Zealand Parliament website] 

Read the Inquiry into Climate Adaptation report [PDF, 1.9 MB]

Response to He Pou a Rangi - Climate Change Commission

In its response to the Commission, the Government says that adaptation is a critical challenge and action is a priority. It acknowledges the Commission’s recommendations.
The Government is taking action in line with its climate strategy, including developing the adaptation framework and developing direction for councils on how to manage risks from natural hazards in new development.
Read the Government’s response to the Commission
Read the Commission’s progress report [Climate Change Commission website]

Updates to national adaptation plan actions

As part of its response to the Commission’s report, the Government has updated some actions in the first national adaptation plan. 
The updates respond to the Commission’s recommendation to regularly update the table of actions. They reflect changes in circumstances since the first national adaptation plan was published in 2022 and align with the Government’s climate strategy.

See the updated table of actions