Lighthouse on Nugget Point

Climate Change Board will ensure climate action delivers outcomes

Six public sector chief executives have been confirmed as the initial members of an interdepartmental executive board to provide oversight of the Government’s response to climate change. 

The Climate Change Chief Executives Board will coordinate efforts across the economy and society to drive climate change delivery.  

Secretary for the Environment, Vicky Robertson, is Chairperson of the Board. Vicky says the Board will champion a just transition “by ensuring a strong focus on the costs, benefits and impacts of policies relating to climate change. 

New Board members joining her include leaders from the Treasury, Department of Conservation, Ministry for Primary Industries, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Transport. 

Vicky Robertson noted the publication of the first emissions reduction plan and national adaptation plan require more formalised governance and accountability arrangements to ensure their effective delivery.  

Improving coordination on cross-government climate issues, and working efficiently with the business sector, are important components of this board’s remit,” said Vicky Robertson.