The Environmental Protection Authority’s responsibilities include:
- making decisions on whether applications are complete and within scope
- coordinating all information and approvals required from various regulatory agencies and authorities
- managing the cost-recovery process.
It is not involved in the decision-making process (expert panels make the decisions to approve or refuse consents and whether to impose conditions).
The EPA also provides advice and administrative and secretariat support to the panel conveners and expert panels.
At the panel’s direction, the EPA will obtain reports and advice or invite comments from agencies to support the expert panels in their decision making.
The EPA is establishing a new Fast-track function and processes to administer fast-track consenting under the Fast-track Approvals Act. This includes
- an application portal
- website
- time-sheeting solution.
The Fast-track function will operate as a cross-government ‘one-stop shop’, independent from the EPA’s environmental regulation role.