A wind turbine on farmland with the ocean in the background.

Board vacancies at the Climate Change Commission and Environmental Protection Authority

We advertise board vacancies at the Climate Change Commission (CCC) and Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) on behalf of Ministers.

How to apply for board vacancies

We contact the nominating agencies as part of the nominations process.

Note: If you are nominated, you may not be appointed as Ministers seek nominations from a range of sources. 

Appointment process and requirements

The role of each Crown entity board is determined by legislation that specifies the Crown’s interest as owner or funder, states the entity’s purposes and functions, and details about the membership of the board.

Each Crown entity board must:

  • provide governance to ensure the entity effectively performs its roles and functions
  • assess and monitor their agency’s capability and performance
  • set the agency’s strategic priorities within the context of the Government’s environment priorities.

See appointments made under the Crown Entities Act 2004 [New Zealand Legislation website]

See also: