About the toolkit

This online toolkit provides central government with information about different climate change scenarios and the impact they may have.

Purpose of the toolkit

The primary purpose of this toolkit is to support central government agencies with accessing relevant climate scenarios information to test policies and decision making.  

Other entities, such as local government and the private sector, may find aspects of the tool useful, but are not the intended audience for this toolkit.  

Limitations of this toolkit

Not for mandatory climate reporting entities

This toolkit is not for entities that prepare mandatory climate-related disclosures under the Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosures and Other Matters) Amendment Act in alignment with the External Reporting Board’s (XRB) New Zealand’s Climate-Related Disclosure Standards

If you are a mandatory reporting entity, XRB - Aotearoa New Zealand climate standards has more information about climate scenarios and scenario analysis.

Non-reporting entities may find sector scenarios (or elements of the scenarios) useful for testing policies and strategies.

Non-reporting entities should keep in mind that some aspects of the reports accompanying sector scenarios may not be relevant where they concern XRB Climate-Related Disclosure Standard requirements.

Limitations of using existing climate scenarios

Using a set of existing scenarios has limitations. Each set of existing scenarios was developed by various organisations for a wide variety of different purposes, using different methodologies and assumptions.

Read more about the limitations of existing scenarios in The Emperor’s New Climate Scenarios report [Institute and Faculty of Actuaries]

It is important to consider whether the existing set of scenarios you choose is sufficiently relevant for your purposes. You may choose to alter existing scenario assumptions, provided you do so in a transparent manner.

The toolkit is guidance only

The information in this online toolkit is for the user’s guidance only and should not be considered, or relied on, as legal advice.  

Where information presented here is based on publicly available information, the accuracy of this information has not been independently verified. 

The information available here is manually updated at regular intervals.

Information presented here is only accurate as of the date it was last updated. 


This Climate Scenarios Toolkit Content (‘Toolkit’) has been prepared by WSP New Zealand Limited (‘WSP’) exclusively for Ministry for the Environment (MfE) (‘Client’) in relation to preparing a climate scenarios toolkit for Aotearoa New Zealand (the Toolkit) (‘Purpose’) and in accordance with the Contract for Services dated 2 October 2023 and signed by the Client on 2 October 2023. WSP accepts no liability whatsoever for any reliance on or use of this Toolkit, in whole or in part, for any use or purpose other than the Purpose or any use or reliance on the Toolkit by any third party. Unless WSP agrees otherwise in writing, any use or any reliance on this Toolkit by a third party is at its sole risk without recourse to WSP. Third parties must make their own enquiries and obtain independent advice in relation to any matter dealt with or any conclusion expressed in this Toolkit.

No warranty, undertaking or guarantee whether expressed or implied, is made with respect to the data reported or the conclusions drawn in the Toolkit. To the fullest extent permitted at law, WSP, its related bodies corporate and its officers, employees and agents assumes no liability and will not be liable to any third party for, or in relation to any losses, damages or expenses (including any indirect, consequential losses or damages or any amounts for loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of opportunity to earn profit, loss of production, loss of contract, increased operational costs, loss of business opportunity, site depredation costs, business interruption or economic loss) of any kind whatsoever, suffered or incurred by a third party.