This package contains the 2023 update to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: limits and price control settings for New Zealand Units. 

This package contains the 2023 update to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: limits and price control settings for New Zealand Units. 

List of documents:

  1. Cabinet paper - Approval to consult on annual updates to NewZealand Emissions Trading Scheme limits and price control settings for units - 5 May 2023
  2. Minute of decision - 10 May 2023
  3. Briefing paper (BRF-2992) - Draft Cabinet paper: Approval to consult on the annual update to New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme unit limit and price control settings - Ministry for the Environment - 3 April 2023. 
  4. Cabinet paper - 2023 update to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: limits and price control settings for New Zealand Units – 21 July 2023.

    Appendices to this Cabinet paper: 
    Regulatory Impact Statement
    Crown Law Advice
    Assessment of Accordance 
    Summary of Submissions.
  5. Minute of Decision - 24 July 2023 

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