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FTC #177: Applications for referred projects under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 – Stage 1 decision Metlifecare Retirement Village - Karori Project, Man Street Hotel - Queenstown Project and Teal Park Project

Stage 1 briefing for application 2022-132 Metlifecare Retirement Village - Karori project, application 2022-125 Man Street Hotel - Queenstown project and application 2022-120 Teal Park project.

Stage 1 briefing for application 2022-132 Metlifecare Retirement Village - Karori project, application 2022-125 Man Street Hotel - Queenstown project and application 2022-120 Teal Park project.


  1. Application documents for Metlifecare Retirement Village - Karori Project (pdf/Databox link)
  2. Application documents for Man Street Hotel - Queenstown Project (pdf/Databox link)
  3. Application documents for Teal Park Project (pdf/Databox link)
  4. Letter to Ministers - inviting comments on Metlifecare Retirement Village - Karori Project and Man Street Hotel - Queenstown Project and Teal Park Project referral
  5. Template for ministerial comment

Date of briefing: 26 January 2023