A person looking out over Wellington

What the Government is doing about the Resource Management System

The resource management system governs how people interact with natural resources. As well as managing air, soil, freshwater and the coastal marine area, laws like the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) regulate land use and the provision of infrastructure. People can use natural resources if it’s allowed under the RMA or permitted by a resource consent.

Resource Management Act

The RMA is a key piece of legislation that sets out how we should manage our environment.
Kid standing on rock
Resource management Act 1991

Changes to Resource Management

Aotearoa New Zealand's resource management system is changing.
Resource Management Bill Passes First Hearing
Changes to the RM system

Fast-track Approvals

The Fast-track Approvals Act 2024 is aimed at delivering infrastructure and other development projects with significant regional or national benefits.
2020 emissions target news image
Fast-track Approvals Act

National Monitoring system

Guidance on the RMA

Acts and Regulations on resource management