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Mahi mō te Taiao Jobs for Nature

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About the programme

Jobs for Nature is a $1.19 billion programme that manages funding across multiple government agencies to benefit the environment, people and the regions. It is part of the COVID-19 recovery package.

The agencies administering the funding are Ministry for the Environment, Department of Conservation, Ministry for Primary Industries, Land Information New Zealand and Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment. 

Learn more about the agencies

Data on this page has been updated as at 31 March 2023.

Jobs for Nature is a $1.219 billion dollar government investment in Aotearoa’s economy and te taiao, our natural environment, to support our recovery from COVID-19.

More about Jobs for Nature

Pānui Latest news

Progress on allocated funding

469 Projects approved
$ 1.19 B Funding approved
$ 1.1 B Funding contracted
Projects approved means a project has been approved for funding. This number includes projects in contract and completed.
Funding approved means an application submitted to one of the five Jobs for Nature agencies progressed to the contracting phase.
Funding contracted means a funding recipient and a Jobs for Nature agency entered a formal and legally binding agreement for the recipient to deliver their project.

Number of projects that support different environmental objectives

257 Weed and pest projects

304 Capability development projects

230 Freshwater projects

245 Restoration projects

Projects can be undertaking work on more than one environmental objective. For example a project could involve freshwater and plant pest control. Find out more about reporting on progress here.

Progress on Creating jobs

People employed

This is the number of employees who are, or have been working in a Jobs for Nature funded project. This includes all employment types; full time, part time, fixed term and contractors. This number will continue to grow over the life of the programme.

People currently employed

This is a snapshot of the number of people currently employed across Jobs for Nature funded projects at the end of each reporting period. This number will fluctuate over the life of the programme.

Hours worked

This is the total number of hours worked across all Jobs for Nature funded projects. This number will continue to grow over the life of the programme.

Environmental benefits achieved

531,840 ha Land under plant pest control

2,299,555 ha Land under animal pest control*

1,778,627 ha Of wilding conifer control*

1,243,840 ha Land where wallabies have been controlled*

2,601 People in formal training

11,495 People completed formal training

4,656 ha Freshwater under restoration, including riparian and wetlands

6,842 km Length of fencing constructed

430 Number of fish passages remediated

6,113 ha Land under restoration, excluding freshwater areas

7,740,465 Total plants planted

2,364 km Length of tracks maintained

*The same area may be reported multiple times as repeat control is needed

Please note, more environmental benefits will be included as they are reported on

View funded projects

Jobs for Nature has funded environmental projects to benefit the environment and people across New Zealand.

View all project and regional summaries on an interactive map.

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Ngā Pānuitanga Publications

More information about Jobs for Nature