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Fast-track consenting

In March 2024 the Fast-track Approvals Bill was introduced to Parliament for Select Committee review.

The Bill’s proposed fast-track process builds on the fast-track consenting regime in the FTCA and Natural and Built Environment Act.

The Fast-track Consenting Act (FTCA) was repealed on 8 July 2023.

Status of referred projects

For the status of referred projects that are awaiting consideration, are under consideration, or have been decided by an expert consenting panel refer to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) website.

Status of referral applications and decisions

168 Received*
0 Processing
0 Accepted (referral order pending)
108 Referral orders made
43 Not referred
* Includes 16 applications that have been withdrawn

Referral orders (in latest schedule order)

Orders in Council referring projects for consideration by an expert consenting panel under Covid-19 (Fast-track Consenting) Act processes

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Projects not referred to an expert consenting panel for fast-track consenting

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Background information

Documents and reports

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