This guide explains how to apply the Cultural Health Index (CHI) for streams and waterways, from selecting sites and setting up a monitoring team, to calculating the CHI scores for the sites. It provides resources such as forms, recommended interview questions, and data collection worksheets.
This guide explains how to apply the Cultural Health Index (CHI) for streams and waterways, from selecting sites and setting up a monitoring team, to calculating the CHI scores for the sites. It provides resources such as forms, recommended interview questions, and data collection worksheets.
The CHI is a tool that Māori can use to assess and manage waterways in their area. The index allows iwi/hapū to assess the cultural and biological health of a stream or catchment, and then communicate this information to water managers in a way that can be understood and integrated into resource management processes.
A technical report is available which describes the science and development of the Cultural Health Index.