This section organises the extracts from the fuller Wai reports by each category and issue identified.

Categories Issues (or Recommendations) identified in report Wai 898 (2019) Wai 2358 (2019) Wai 2200 (2017) Wai 2478 (2016) Wai 894 (2015) Wai 903 (2015) Wai 1130 (2013) Wai 262 (2010) Wai 215 (2010) Wai 863 (2010) Waikato River (2010) Wai 796 (2010) Wai 1200 (2008) Wai 785 (2008) Wai 686 (2006) Wai 1071 (2004) Wai 145 (2003) Wai 45 (2002) Wai 64 (2001) Wai 167 (1999) Wai 212 (1998) Wai 27 (1995) Wai 55 (1995) Wai 153 (1993 Wai 304 (1993) Wai 119 (1992) Wai 38 (1992)
Overarching themes Protection and recognition of Rangatiratanga and Kaitiakitanga x x x   x     x x       x x           x x   x x x x  
Does not deliver control, partnership, mana whakahaere x x x   x     x x   x     x             x       x    
Not protecting Māori interests and to provide for values, customs and authority   x             x   x     x                 x x x x x
Delegating powers without sufficient Treaty responsibilities x x         x   x x                       x   x x x  
Not protecting Taonga, or Mana or river x x     x       x     x x               x       x    
No compensation for loss of mahinga kai x                                                    
Need for bottom up view, rather than just top down x                                           x        
Not being implemented in manner that provided for fairly for Māori interests/failed to ensure it is implemented in accordance with stated intention                           x                          
All New Zealanders miss out by system not being Treaty-compliant                                                    
Ownership Ownership and vesting of lands, river beds and management more akin to ownership   x     x                   x                    
"First-in first-served" allocation basis   x                                                  
Māori proprietary rights and economic interest   x                                                  
Public Works Act including offer back, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 and s342 of Schedule 10 of LGA 1974                                                  
Cross-legislation All spheres of activity, treaty provisions in LGA, RMA, Historic Places Act are not sufficient to oblige LG to act consistently with the Treaty                x                                  
Local Government not required to be Treaty compliant under LGA                 x                                  
Co-governance/co-management and co-design Māori Treaty right in freshwater taonga is co-governance / co-management                                                    
Co-design as the Treaty standard where Māori interests are concerned    x                                                  
Past RM review processes Past RM Review processes have not been treaty-compliant                                                    
Co-design process Treaty compliant but outcomes disappointing primarily because of Crown-reserved final decision-making   x                                                  
RMA ambition/delivery - general Aspirations of RMA have not come to fruition                                              
RMA provisions did not go much further than pre-RMA                                                    
Obligations to ensure aspirations were to be fulfilled a long time ago/continuing source of grievance not responding to address recommendations                                                 
Use of settlements to provide what should have been addressed as part of the RMA                                                 
Ongoing prejudice                                                 
RMA Part II Section 8 weight given to Treaty relationship       x   x   x x       x       x x x x x    
RMA is not remedial x x x   x           x   x                            
Impact of Part 2: Balanced judgement x                     x                            
Kaitiakitanga section 7 inadequate, Kaitiakitanga is not separate from Rangatiratanga   x                               x                  
Section 6 – Te Mana o te Wai as matter of national importance   x                                                  
Direction/accountability Absence/gaps in national direction   x         x x     x                         x    
Monitoring/accountability of councils   x           x  x    x  x    x                   x    
Sharing and transfer of powers Lack of use of transfer of powers functions, and/or provisions are inadequate   x         x x x x     x                            
Mana Whakahono provisions inadequate - need enhancement   x                                                  
Crown to offer co-governance, co-management through all settlements   x                                                  
Time focussed on fighting consents, rather than being involved in decision-making                 x                                    
Plan-making Plan-makingPlan-makingPlan development is not cognisant of Treaty relationship and interests in taonga   x           x x                             x      
Iwi Management Plans (IMPs) have little weight, or are not resourced x         x x x                                    
Crown definition of partner Impact of iwi authority definition                                                     x
Tangata Whenua, Mana Whenua definitions                                       x              
Wāhi tapu and heritage protection Wāhi tapu protection – incl Crown-Māori working together to work this through x               x     x     x                       x
Funding and support for heritage protection including Historic Places Trust                 x                                    
Relationship with different categories of land Clarification of no loss of treaty interest if land has been alienated                 x     x                              
Crown and Māori to not resile from cooperating to find avenues for the expression of Māori rangatiratanga and the exercise of Kaitiakitanga (pertaining to different categories of lands)                 x                                    
Māori-owned land Interface with Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993           x       x     x                            
Issues impeding multiply-owned Māori lands           x                                         x
Remove impediments to Papakāinga across planning legislation including RMA       x   x                                          
Hapū/iwi capacity and resourcing Capacity and resourcing to participate fairly   x           x x x   x   x                          
Government and council capability Low level engagement with Te Ao Māori and Māori perspectives exhibited by central and local government decision-makers   x             x     x                              
Greater willingness needed                 x                                    
Engagement/consultation Timing of consultation                                                     x
Not proper engagement undertaken on specific issues   x                               x     x            
Not consulted on gravel extraction         x                                            
Consenting Resource consenting processes fails to respect, provide for and protect the special relationship of [tribe] with the [river]     x                                                
Joint consent committees put to greater use             x                                        
Enforcement x                                                    
Other Extent of availability of legal aid   x                   x