The Resource Management Act 1991 was amended in 2017 to enable councils to make a request for a streamlined planning process instead of following the standard process for developing or changing a plan. The request is made to the Minister for the Environment or to the Minister of Conservation (in the case of a regional coastal plan). If the request is granted, a direction is issued by the Minister setting out the procedural steps and timeframes that must be followed by the council instead of the standard process.
The Resource Management Act 1991 was amended in 2017 to enable councils to make a request for a streamlined planning process instead of following the standard process for developing or changing a plan. The request is made to the Minister for the Environment or to the Minister of Conservation (in the case of a regional coastal plan). If the request is granted, a direction is issued by the Minister setting out the procedural steps and timeframes that must be followed by the council instead of the standard process.
This guide helps councils to make a request to the Minister for a streamlined planning process. It explains the streamlined planning process, including altered decision and appeal processes, and encourages councils to talk to the Ministry for the Environment or the Department of Conservation (in the case of a regional coastal plan) before making a request.