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Review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Summary of modelling

On 19 June 2023, the Government published a discussion document on the review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. That discussion document included the key results of modelling carried out by the Ministry for the Environment. The modelling information provided in the discussion document supports and informs those who plan to make a submission.

This document and associated datasets provide further detail on the modelling and analysis carried out by the Ministry. These are being proactively released in response to requests from some participants in the consultation. It is intended to support further discussion and engagement beyond the current consultation.

NZ ETS forestry unit flows and allocation (Excel spreadsheet)

NZ ETS market model results (Excel spreadsheet)

Household impacts model (Excel spreadsheet)

Read more about the consultation and webinars.

For a copy of the full ETS Market Model please contact etsconsultations@mfe.govt.nz

On 19 June 2023, the Government published a discussion document on the review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. That discussion document included the key results of modelling carried out by the Ministry for the Environment. The modelling information provided in the discussion document supports and informs those who plan to make a submission.

This document and associated datasets provide further detail on the modelling and analysis carried out by the Ministry. These are being proactively released in response to requests from some participants in the consultation. It is intended to support further discussion and engagement beyond the current consultation.

NZ ETS forestry unit flows and allocation (Excel spreadsheet)

NZ ETS market model results (Excel spreadsheet)

Household impacts model (Excel spreadsheet)

Read more about the consultation and webinars.

For a copy of the full ETS Market Model please contact etsconsultations@mfe.govt.nz

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