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Protected Areas Network of New Zealand methodology review and report Phase II: Stakeholder engagement

The Protected Areas Network of New Zealand (PAN-NZ) was developed by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research (MWLR) to aggregate and combine a series of distinct legally protected areas into a single mapping layer. By 2023, this map was out of date and incomplete, making it unsuitable for policy and regulatory purposes.

To address this, the Ministry for the Environment commissioned two reports. Firstly, by analysing the current state of the map and identifying any gaps or inconsistencies (report 1), and secondly, by workshopping use cases and future direction (report 2).

This report identifies:

  • key data providers, stakeholders, and end-users
  • stakeholders feedback and use cases
  • recommendations for future direction and methodology design based on the above feedback.

Read Protected Areas Network of New Zealand methodology review and report.

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