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Our Regulatory Stewardship Strategy 2017

This report assesses how well we are developing and maintaining the regulatory regimes that we are responsible for, including the current state of each piece of legislation, any plans for amendments, and our view of important emerging issues.

This report assesses how well we are developing and maintaining the regulatory regimes that we are responsible for, including the current state of each piece of legislation, any plans for amendments, and our view of important emerging issues.

It is the second such report we have produced and follows a 2015 Government instruction to the seven main regulatory departments to publish such assessments annually, to ensure they are fulfilling their regulatory stewardship responsibilities under section 32 of the State Sector Act 1988.

The regulatory regime covered by the Ministry includes Air quality, Atmosphere and climate, Fresh water, Marine (Coast and Exclusive Economic Zone), Resource management (including Land and Urban), Hazardous substances and New organisms, and Waste.

Our 2017 report includes the first set of regulatory system assessments undertaken according to a methodology we developed. This methodology has been adopted by some other agencies, and incorporated into an online tool to improve engagement on future assessments.

We have also used a common framework for reporting the condition and fitness for purpose of our systems. The four categories are Effectiveness; Efficiency; Durability and resilience; Fairness and accountabilty. Our Strategy incorporates a summary description against each category for nine separate regulatory systems.

If you have feedback on our regulatory stewardship strategy, please email qualityadvice@mfe.govt.nz.

Supporting Documents